Compose tips

Text Formats

Filtered HTML

  • Allowed HTML tags: <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <del> <ins> <img> <a> <em> <strong> <cite> <blockquote> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <iframe> <span> <sup> <div> <table> <thead> <th> <tbody> <tr> <td> <video> <hr>

  • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.
  • Lines and paragraphs are automatically recognized. The <br /> line break, <p> paragraph and </p> close paragraph tags are inserted automatically. If paragraphs are not recognized simply add a couple blank lines.
  • Global tokens will be replaced with their respective token values (e.g. [site:name] or [current-page:title]). The following is a list of the tokens that are available:
    Current dateTokens related to the current date and time.
    Custom format[current-date:custom:?]A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details.
    Long format[current-date:long]A date in 'long' format. (Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Medium format[current-date:medium]A date in 'medium' format. (June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Raw timestamp[current-date:raw]A date in UNIX timestamp format (1718085124)
    Short format[current-date:short]A date in 'short' format. (2024-06-11 05:52)
    Time-since[current-date:since]A date in 'time-since' format. (54 years 5 months)
    World[current-date:world]A date in 'world' format. (Jun 11, 2024)
    Current pageTokens related to the current page request.
    Custom pager[current-page:pager]A custom pager (from the Metatag module). Currently set to "Page PAGER | " which would be output as e.g. "Page 12 | ".
    Page number[current-page:page-number]The page number of the current page when viewing paged lists.
    Query string value[current-page:query:?]The value of a specific query string field of the current page.
    Title[current-page:title]The title of the current page.
    URL[current-page:url]The URL of the current page.
    Absolute URL[current-page:url:absolute]The absolute URL.
    Arguments[current-page:url:args]The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1').
    Count[current-page:url:args:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[current-page:url:args:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[current-page:url:args:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[current-page:url:args:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[current-page:url:args:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[current-page:url:args:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[current-page:url:args:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[current-page:url:args:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Brief URL[current-page:url:brief]The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash.
    Path[current-page:url:path]The path component of the URL.
    Relative URL[current-page:url:relative]The relative URL.
    Unaliased URL[current-page:url:unaliased]The unaliased URL.
    Absolute URL[current-page:url:unaliased:absolute]The absolute URL.
    Arguments[current-page:url:unaliased:args]The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1').
    Brief URL[current-page:url:unaliased:brief]The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash.
    Path[current-page:url:unaliased:path]The path component of the URL.
    Relative URL[current-page:url:unaliased:relative]The relative URL.
    Current userTokens related to the currently logged in user.
    About[current-user:field_about_author]Long text field.
    About[current-user:field-about-author]Field "field_about_author".
    About (summary)[current-user:field_about_author-summary]A summary of the About field, trimmed to 200 characters.
    Changed[current-user:changed]The date the user account was changed.
    Custom format[current-user:changed:custom:?]A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details.
    Long format[current-user:changed:long]A date in 'long' format. (Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Medium format[current-user:changed:medium]A date in 'medium' format. (June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Raw timestamp[current-user:changed:raw]A date in UNIX timestamp format (1718085124)
    Short format[current-user:changed:short]A date in 'short' format. (2024-06-11 05:52)
    Time-since[current-user:changed:since]A date in 'time-since' format. (54 years 5 months)
    World[current-user:changed:world]A date in 'world' format. (Jun 11, 2024)
    Created[current-user:created]The date the user account was created.
    Custom format[current-user:created:custom:?]A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details.
    Long format[current-user:created:long]A date in 'long' format. (Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Medium format[current-user:created:medium]A date in 'medium' format. (June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Raw timestamp[current-user:created:raw]A date in UNIX timestamp format (1718085124)
    Short format[current-user:created:short]A date in 'short' format. (2024-06-11 05:52)
    Time-since[current-user:created:since]A date in 'time-since' format. (54 years 5 months)
    World[current-user:created:world]A date in 'world' format. (Jun 11, 2024)
    Default theme[current-user:theme]The user's default theme.
    Display messages in popups.[current-user:field_user_nicemessages_enabled]Boolean field.
    Display messages in popups.[current-user:field-user-nicemessages-enabled]Field "field_user_nicemessages_enabled".
    Edit URL[current-user:edit-url]The URL of the account edit page.
    Email[current-user:mail]The email address of the user account.
    First Name[current-user:field_first_name]Text field.
    First Name[current-user:field-first-name]Field "field_first_name".
    IP address[current-user:ip-address]The IP address of the current user.
    Last Name[current-user:field_last_name]Text field.
    Last Name[current-user:field-last-name]Field "field_last_name".
    Last access[current-user:last-access]The date the user last accessed the site.
    Custom format[current-user:last-access:custom:?]A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details.
    Long format[current-user:last-access:long]A date in 'long' format. (Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Medium format[current-user:last-access:medium]A date in 'medium' format. (June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Raw timestamp[current-user:last-access:raw]A date in UNIX timestamp format (1718085124)
    Short format[current-user:last-access:short]A date in 'short' format. (2024-06-11 05:52)
    Time-since[current-user:last-access:since]A date in 'time-since' format. (54 years 5 months)
    World[current-user:last-access:world]A date in 'world' format. (Jun 11, 2024)
    Last login[current-user:last-login]The date the user last logged in to the site.
    Meta tags[current-user:metatag]Meta tags for this user.
    Advanced tags: Author[current-user:metatag:author]Author(s) of the web page; little used though an official part of the HTML 5.2 specification.
    Advanced tags: Cache-Control[current-user:metatag:cache-control]Used to control whether a browser caches a specific page locally. Little used today. Should be used in conjunction with the Pragma meta tag.
    Advanced tags: Canonical URL[current-user:metatag:canonical]The URl of the preferred page location or URL of the content of this page, to help eliminate duplicate content penalties from search engines.
    Advanced tags: Content language[current-user:metatag:content-language]Used to define this page's language code. May be the two letter language code, e.g. "de" for German, or the two letter code with a dash and the two letter ISO country code, e.g. "de-AT" for German in Austria. Still used by Bing.
    Advanced tags: Content rating[current-user:metatag:rating]Used to indicate the intended audience for the content.
    Advanced tags: Expires[current-user:metatag:expires]Control when the browser's internal cache of the current page should expire. The date must to be an RFC-1123-compliant date string that is represented in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), e.g. 'Thu, 01 Sep 2016 00:12:56 GMT'. Set to '0' to stop the page being cached entirely.
    Advanced tags: Generator[current-user:metatag:generator]Describes the name and version number of the software or publishing tool used to create the page.
    Advanced tags: Geo place name[current-user:metatag:geo.placename]A location's formal name.
    Advanced tags: Geo position[current-user:metatag:geo.position]Geo-spatial information in "latitude; longitude" format, e.g. "50.167958; -97.133185"; see Wikipedia for details.
    Advanced tags: Geo region[current-user:metatag:geo.region]A location's two-letter international country code, with an optional two-letter region, e.g. "US-NH" for New Hampshire in the USA.
    Advanced tags: Google[current-user:metatag:google]This meta tag communicates with Google. There are currently two directives supported: 'nositelinkssearchbox' to not to show the sitelinks search box, and 'notranslate' to ask Google not to offer a translation of the page. Both options may be added, just separate them with a comma. See meta tags that Google understands for further details.
    Advanced tags: Google News Keywords[current-user:metatag:news_keywords]A comma-separated list of keywords about the page. This meta tag is used as an indicator in Google News.
    Advanced tags: Google Standout[current-user:metatag:standout]Highlight standout journalism on the web, especially for breaking news; used as an indicator in Google News. Warning: Don't abuse it, to be used a maximum of 7 times per calendar week!
    Advanced tags: ICBM[current-user:metatag:icbm]Geo-spatial information in "latitude, longitude" format, e.g. "50.167958, -97.133185"; see Wikipedia for details.
    Advanced tags: Image[current-user:metatag:image_src]An image associated with this page, for use as a thumbnail in social networks and other services.
    Advanced tags: Next page URL[current-user:metatag:next]Used for paginated content. Meet Google recommendations to indicate paginated content by providing URL with rel="next" link.
    Advanced tags: Original Source[current-user:metatag:original-source]Used to indicate the URL that broke the story, and can link to either an internal URL or an external source. If the full URL is not known it is acceptable to use a partial URL or just the domain name.
    Advanced tags: Pragma[current-user:metatag:pragma]Used to control whether a browser caches a specific page locally. Little used today. Should be used in conjunction with the Cache-Control meta tag.
    Advanced tags: Previous page URL[current-user:metatag:prev]Used for paginated content. Meet Google recommendations to indicate paginated content by providing URL with rel="prev" link.
    Advanced tags: Referrer policy[current-user:metatag:referrer]Indicate to search engines and other page scrapers whether or not links should be followed. See the W3C specifications for further details.
    Advanced tags: Refresh[current-user:metatag:refresh]The number of seconds to wait before refreshing the page. May also force redirect to another page using the format "5; url=", which would be triggered after five seconds.
    Advanced tags: Revisit After[current-user:metatag:revisit-after]Tell search engines when to index the page again. Very few search engines support this tag, it is more useful to use an XML Sitemap file.
    Advanced tags: Rights[current-user:metatag:rights]Details about intellectual property, such as copyright or trademarks; does not automatically protect the site's content or intellectual property.
    Advanced tags: Robots[current-user:metatag:robots]Provides search engines with specific directions for what to do when this page is indexed.
    Basic tags: Abstract[current-user:metatag:abstract]A brief and concise summary of the page's content, preferably 150 characters or less. Where as the description meta tag may be used by search engines to display a snippet about the page in search results, the abstract tag may be used to archive a summary about the page. This meta tag is no longer supported by major search engines.
    Basic tags: Description[current-user:metatag:description]A brief and concise summary of the page's content that is a maximum of 160 characters in length. The description meta tag may be used by search engines to display a snippet about the page in search results.
    Basic tags: Keywords[current-user:metatag:keywords]A comma-separated list of keywords about the page. This meta tag is no longer supported by most search engines anymore.
    Basic tags: Page title[current-user:metatag:title]The text to display in the title bar of a visitor's web browser when they view this page. This meta tag may also be used as the title of the page when a visitor bookmarks or favorites this page, or as the page title in a search engine result. It is common to append '[site:name]' to the end of this, so the site's name is automatically added. It is recommended that the title be no greater than 55 - 65 characters long, including spaces.
    Open Graph - Products: Availability[current-user:metatag:product:availability]Case-insensitive string, possible values: "instock", "pending", "oos". (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Brand[current-user:metatag:product:brand](Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Category[current-user:metatag:product:category]
    Open Graph - Products: Color[current-user:metatag:product:color]
    Open Graph - Products: Condition[current-user:metatag:product:condition]The condition of the product.
    Open Graph - Products: Currency[current-user:metatag:product:price:currency]The currency for the price. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: EAN[current-user:metatag:product:ean]
    Open Graph - Products: Expiration[current-user:metatag:product:expiration_time]A time representing when the product expired, or will expire.
    Open Graph - Products: ISBN[current-user:metatag:product:isbn]
    Open Graph - Products: Manufacturer SKU/Part Number[current-user:metatag:product:mfr_part_no]A manufacturer part number.
    Open Graph - Products: Material[current-user:metatag:product:material]A description of the material used to make the product.
    Open Graph - Products: Pattern[current-user:metatag:product:pattern]A description of the pattern used.
    Open Graph - Products: Plural Title[current-user:metatag:product:plural_title]A title to be used to describe multiple items of this product
    Open Graph - Products: Price[current-user:metatag:product:price:amount]The numeric price with decimal point, without currency indicator. Values below 0.01 may not be supported by clients. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Product Weight[current-user:metatag:product:weight:value]The weight, without shipping materials.
    Open Graph - Products: Product Weight Units[current-user:metatag:product:weight:units]The unit of weight.
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer ID[current-user:metatag:product:retailer]A Facebook ID (or reference to the profile) of the retailer. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer Name[current-user:metatag:product:retailer_title]The name of the retailer.
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer SKU/Product Number[current-user:metatag:product:retailer_part_no]A retailer part number.
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer item ID[current-user:metatag:product:retailer_item_id]The unique ID of the product. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Cost Amount[current-user:metatag:product:shipping_cost:amount]The shipping costs.
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Cost Currency[current-user:metatag:product:shipping_cost:currency]The shipping cost currency.
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Weight[current-user:metatag:product:shipping_weight:value]The shipping weight.
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Weight Units[current-user:metatag:product:shipping_weight:units]The unit of shipping weight.
    Open Graph - Products: Size[current-user:metatag:product:size]A size describing the product, such as S, M, L.
    Open Graph - Products: UPC[current-user:metatag:product:upc]
    Open Graph: Actor(s)[current-user:metatag:video:actor]Links to the Facebook profiles for actor(s) that appear in the video.
    Open Graph: Actors' role[current-user:metatag:video:actor:role]The roles of the actor(s).
    Open Graph: Alternative locales[current-user:metatag:og:locale:alternate]Other locales this content is available in, must be in the format language_TERRITORY, e.g. "fr_FR".
    Open Graph: Article author[current-user:metatag:article:author]Links an article to an author's Facebook profile, should be either URLs to the author's profile page or their Facebook profile IDs.
    Open Graph: Article expiration date & time[current-user:metatag:article:expiration_time]The date this content will expire, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Article modification date & time[current-user:metatag:article:modified_time]The date this content was last modified, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Article publication date & time[current-user:metatag:article:published_time]The date this content was published on, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Article publisher[current-user:metatag:article:publisher]Links an article to a publisher's Facebook page.
    Open Graph: Article section[current-user:metatag:article:section]The primary section of this website the content belongs to.
    Open Graph: Article tag(s)[current-user:metatag:article:tag]Appropriate keywords for this content.
    Open Graph: Audio URL[current-user:metatag:og:audio]The URL to an audio file that complements this object.
    Open Graph: Audio secure URL[current-user:metatag:og:audio:secure_url]The secure URL to an audio file that complements this object. All "https://" URLs will automatically be converted to "https://".
    Open Graph: Audio type[current-user:metatag:og:audio:type]The MIME type of the audio file. Examples include "application/mp3" for an MP3 file.
    Open Graph: Book's ISBN[current-user:metatag:book:isbn]The book's International Standard Book Number, which may be in one of several formats.
    Open Graph: Book's author[current-user:metatag:book:author]Links to the book's author's Facebook profile, should be either URLs to the author's profile page or their Facebook profile IDs.
    Open Graph: Book release date[current-user:metatag:book:release_date]The date this content will expire, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Book tags[current-user:metatag:book:tag]Appropriate keywords for this book.
    Open Graph: Content description[current-user:metatag:og:description]A one to two sentence description of the content.
    Open Graph: Content modification date & time[current-user:metatag:og:updated_time]The date this content was last modified, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format. Can be the same as the 'Article modification date' tag.
    Open Graph: Content title[current-user:metatag:og:title]The title of the content, e.g., The Rock.
    Open Graph: Content title determiner[current-user:metatag:og:determiner]The word that appears before the content's title in a sentence. The default ignores this value, the 'Automatic' value should be sufficient if this is actually needed.
    Open Graph: Content type[current-user:metatag:og:type]The type of the content, e.g., movie.
    Open Graph: Country name[current-user:metatag:og:country_name]
    Open Graph: Director(s)[current-user:metatag:video:director]Links to the Facebook profiles for director(s) that worked on the video.
    Open Graph: Email[current-user:metatag:og:email]
    Open Graph: Fax number[current-user:metatag:og:fax_number]
    Open Graph: First name[current-user:metatag:profile:first_name]The first name of the person who's Profile page this is.
    Open Graph: Gender[current-user:metatag:profile:gender]Any of Facebook's gender values should be allowed, the initial two being 'male' and 'female'.
    Open Graph: Image[current-user:metatag:og:image]The URL of an image which should represent the content. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels in size; 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum size, and for best results use an image least 1200 x 630 pixels in size. Supports PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. Should not be used if og:image:url is used. Note: if multiple images are added many services (e.g. Facebook) will default to the largest image, not specifically the first one.
    Open Graph: Image URL[current-user:metatag:og:image:url]A alternative version of og:image and has exactly the same requirements; only one needs to be used. Note: some services do not accept this tag and will only accept the "image" tag above.
    Open Graph: Image alternative text[current-user:metatag:og:image:alt]A description of what is in the image (not a caption). If og:image is provided this value should also be provided.
    Open Graph: Image height[current-user:metatag:og:image:height]The height of the above image(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured images are provided, they should both be the same size.
    Open Graph: Image type[current-user:metatag:og:image:type]The type of image referenced above. Should be either "image/gif" for a GIF image, "image/jpeg" for a JPG/JPEG image, or "image/png" for a PNG image. Note: there should be one value for each image, and having more than there are images may cause problems.
    Open Graph: Image width[current-user:metatag:og:image:width]The width of the above image(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured images are provided, they should both be the same size.
    Open Graph: Last name[current-user:metatag:profile:last_name]The person's last name.
    Open Graph: Latitude[current-user:metatag:og:latitude]
    Open Graph: Locale[current-user:metatag:og:locale]The locale these tags are marked up in, must be in the format language_TERRITORY. Default is en_US.
    Open Graph: Locality[current-user:metatag:og:locality]
    Open Graph: Longitude[current-user:metatag:og:longitude]
    Open Graph: Page URL[current-user:metatag:og:url]Preferred page location or URL to help eliminate duplicate content for search engines, e.g.,
    Open Graph: Phone number[current-user:metatag:og:phone_number]
    Open Graph: Postal/ZIP code[current-user:metatag:og:postal_code]
    Open Graph: Region[current-user:metatag:og:region]
    Open Graph: Release date[current-user:metatag:video:release_date]The date the video was released.
    Open Graph: Scriptwriter(s)[current-user:metatag:video:writer]Links to the Facebook profiles for scriptwriter(s) for the video.
    Open Graph: Secure image URL[current-user:metatag:og:image:secure_url]The secure URL (HTTPS) of an image which should represent the content. The image must be at least 50px by 50px and have a maximum aspect ratio of 3:1. Supports PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. All "https://" URLs will automatically be converted to "https://". Note: if multiple images are added many services (e.g. Facebook) will default to the largest image, not the first one.
    Open Graph: See also[current-user:metatag:og:see_also]URLs to related content.
    Open Graph: Series[current-user:metatag:video:series]The TV show this series belongs to.
    Open Graph: Site name[current-user:metatag:og:site_name]A human-readable name for the site, e.g., IMDb.
    Open Graph: Street address[current-user:metatag:og:street_address]
    Open Graph: Tag[current-user:metatag:video:tag]Tag words associated with this video.
    Open Graph: Username[current-user:metatag:profile:username]A pseudonym / alias of this person.
    Open Graph: Video URL[current-user:metatag:og:video:url]The URL of an video which should represent the content. For best results use a source that is at least 1200 x 630 pixels in size, but at least 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum. Object types supported include video.episode,, video.other, and video.tv_show.
    Open Graph: Video duration (seconds)[current-user:metatag:video:duration]The length of the video in seconds
    Open Graph: Video height[current-user:metatag:og:video:height]The height of the video.
    Open Graph: Video secure URL[current-user:metatag:og:video:secure_url]A URL to a video file that complements this object using the HTTPS protocol. All "https://" URLs will automatically be converted to "https://".
    Open Graph: Video type[current-user:metatag:og:video:type]The type of video referenced above. Should be either video.episode,, video.other, and video.tv_show. Note: there should be one value for each video, and having more than there are videos may cause problems.
    Open Graph: Video width[current-user:metatag:og:video:width]The width of the video.
    Site verification: Baidu[current-user:metatag:baidu-site-verification]A string provided by Baidu.
    Site verification: Bing[current-user:metatag:msvalidate.01]A string provided by Bing, full details are available from the Bing online help.
    Site verification: Facebook[current-user:metatag:facebook-domain-verification]A string provided by Facebook, full details are available from the Facebook online help.
    Site verification: Google[current-user:metatag:google-site-verification]A string provided by Google, full details are available from the Google online help.
    Site verification: Norton Safe Web[current-user:metatag:norton-safeweb-site-verification]A string provided by Norton Safe Web, full details are available from the Norton Safe Web online help.
    Site verification: Pinterest[current-user:metatag:p:domain_verify]A string provided by Pinterest, full details are available from the Pinterest online help.
    Site verification: Pocket[current-user:metatag:pocket-site-verification]A string provided by Pocket, full details are available from the Pocket online help.
    Site verification: Yandex[current-user:metatag:yandex-verification]A string provided by Yandex, full details are available from the Yandex online help.
    Site verification: Zoom[current-user:metatag:zoom-domain-verification]A string provided by Zoom, full details are available from the Zoom online help.
    Twitter card: 1st Gallery Image[current-user:metatag:twitter:image0]A URL to the image representing the first photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: 2nd Gallery Image[current-user:metatag:twitter:image1]A URL to the image representing the second photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: 3rd Gallery Image[current-user:metatag:twitter:image2]A URL to the image representing the third photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: 4th Gallery Image[current-user:metatag:twitter:image3]A URL to the image representing the fourth photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: App Store Country[current-user:metatag:twitter:app:country]If your application is not available in the US App Store, you must set this value to the two-letter country code for the App Store that contains your application.
    Twitter card: Creator's Twitter account[current-user:metatag:twitter:creator]The @username for the content creator / author for this page, including the @ symbol.
    Twitter card: Creator's Twitter account ID[current-user:metatag:twitter:creator:id]The numerical Twitter account ID for the content creator / author for this page.
    Twitter card: Data 1[current-user:metatag:twitter:data1]This field expects a string, and allows you to specify the types of data you want to offer (price, country, etc.).
    Twitter card: Data 2[current-user:metatag:twitter:data2]This field expects a string, and allows you to specify the types of data you want to offer (price, country, etc.).
    Twitter card: Description[current-user:metatag:twitter:description]A description that concisely summarizes the content of the page, as appropriate for presentation within a Tweet. Do not re-use the title text as the description, or use this field to describe the general services provided by the website. The string will be truncated, by Twitter, at the word to 200 characters.
    Twitter card: Do Not Track[current-user:metatag:twitter:dnt]By default Twitter tracks visitors when a tweet is embedded on a page using the official APIs. Setting this to "on" will stop Twitter from tracking visitors.
    Twitter card: Google Play app's custom URL scheme[current-user:metatag:twitter:app:url:googleplay]The Google Play app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
    Twitter card: Google Play app ID[current-user:metatag:twitter:app:id:googleplay]Your app ID in the Google Play Store (i.e. "").
    Twitter card: Google Play app name[current-user:metatag:twitter:app:name:googleplay]The name of the app in the Google Play app store.
    Twitter card: Image URL[current-user:metatag:twitter:image]The URL to a unique image representing the content of the page. Do not use a generic image such as your website logo, author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages. Images larger than 120x120px will be resized and cropped square based on longest dimension. Images smaller than 60x60px will not be shown. If the 'type' is set to Photo then the image must be at least 280x150px.
    Twitter card: Image alternative text[current-user:metatag:twitter:image:alt]The alternative text of the image being linked to. Limited to 420 characters.
    Twitter card: Image height[current-user:metatag:twitter:image:height]The height of the image being linked to, in pixels.
    Twitter card: Image width[current-user:metatag:twitter:image:width]The width of the image being linked to, in pixels.
    Twitter card: Label 1[current-user:metatag:twitter:label1]This field expects a string, and you can specify values for labels such as price, items in stock, sizes, etc.
    Twitter card: Label 2[current-user:metatag:twitter:label2]This field expects a string, and you can specify values for labels such as price, items in stock, sizes, etc.
    Twitter card: MP4 media stream MIME type[current-user:metatag:twitter:player:stream:content_type]The MIME type for the media contained in the stream URL, as defined by RFC 4337.
    Twitter card: MP4 media stream URL[current-user:metatag:twitter:player:stream]The full URL for an MP4 video (h.264) or audio (AAC) stream, takes precidence over the other media player field.
    Twitter card: Media player URL[current-user:metatag:twitter:player]The full URL for loading a media player. Required when using a Media player card.
    Twitter card: Media player height[current-user:metatag:twitter:player:height]The height of the media player iframe, in pixels. Required when using a Media player card.
    Twitter card: Media player width[current-user:metatag:twitter:player:width]The width of the media player iframe, in pixels. Required when using a Media player card.
    Twitter card: Page URL[current-user:metatag:twitter:url]The permalink / canonical URL of the current page.
    Twitter card: Site's Twitter account[current-user:metatag:twitter:site]The @username for the website, which will be displayed in the Card's footer; must include the @ symbol.
    Twitter card: Site's Twitter account ID[current-user:metatag:twitter:site:id]The numerical Twitter account ID for the website, which will be displayed in the Card's footer.
    Twitter card: Title[current-user:metatag:twitter:title]The page's title, which should be concise; it will be truncated at 70 characters by Twitter. This field is required unless this the 'type' field is set to "photo".
    Twitter card: Twitter card type[current-user:metatag:twitter:card]Notes:
    • no other fields are required for a Summary card
    • Photo card requires the "image" field
    • Media player card requires the "title", "description", "media player URL", "media player width", "media player height" and "image" fields,
    • Summary Card with Large Image card requires the "Summary" field and the "image" field,
    • Gallery Card requires all the "Gallery Image" fields,
    • App Card requires the "iPhone app ID" field, the "iPad app ID" field and the "Google Play app ID" field,
    • Product Card requires the "description" field, the "image" field, the "Label 1" field, the "Data 1" field, the "Label 2" field and the "Data 2" field.
    Twitter card: iPad app's custom URL scheme[current-user:metatag:twitter:app:url:ipad]The iPad app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
    Twitter card: iPad app ID[current-user:metatag:twitter:app:id:ipad]String value, should be the numeric representation of your iPad app's ID in the App Store.
    Twitter card: iPad app name[current-user:metatag:twitter:app:name:ipad]The name of the iPad app.
    Twitter card: iPhone app's custom URL scheme[current-user:metatag:twitter:app:url:iphone]The iPhone app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
    Twitter card: iPhone app ID[current-user:metatag:twitter:app:id:iphone]String value, should be the numeric representation of your iPhone app's ID in the App Store.
    Twitter card: iPhone app name[current-user:metatag:twitter:app:name:iphone]The name of the iPhone app.
    Organization[current-user:field-organization]Field "field_organization".
    Organization[current-user:field_organization]Text field.
    Original user[current-user:original]The original user data if the user is being updated or saved.
    About[current-user:original:field_about_author]Long text field.
    About[current-user:original:field-about-author]Field "field_about_author".
    About (summary)[current-user:original:field_about_author-summary]A summary of the About field, trimmed to 200 characters.
    Changed[current-user:original:changed]The date the user account was changed.
    Custom format[current-user:original:changed:custom:?]A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details.
    Long format[current-user:original:changed:long]A date in 'long' format. (Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Medium format[current-user:original:changed:medium]A date in 'medium' format. (June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Raw timestamp[current-user:original:changed:raw]A date in UNIX timestamp format (1718085124)
    Short format[current-user:original:changed:short]A date in 'short' format. (2024-06-11 05:52)
    Time-since[current-user:original:changed:since]A date in 'time-since' format. (54 years 5 months)
    World[current-user:original:changed:world]A date in 'world' format. (Jun 11, 2024)
    Created[current-user:original:created]The date the user account was created.
    Custom format[current-user:original:created:custom:?]A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details.
    Long format[current-user:original:created:long]A date in 'long' format. (Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Medium format[current-user:original:created:medium]A date in 'medium' format. (June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Raw timestamp[current-user:original:created:raw]A date in UNIX timestamp format (1718085124)
    Short format[current-user:original:created:short]A date in 'short' format. (2024-06-11 05:52)
    Time-since[current-user:original:created:since]A date in 'time-since' format. (54 years 5 months)
    World[current-user:original:created:world]A date in 'world' format. (Jun 11, 2024)
    Default theme[current-user:original:theme]The user's default theme.
    Display messages in popups.[current-user:original:field-user-nicemessages-enabled]Field "field_user_nicemessages_enabled".
    Display messages in popups.[current-user:original:field_user_nicemessages_enabled]Boolean field.
    Edit URL[current-user:original:edit-url]The URL of the account edit page.
    Email[current-user:original:mail]The email address of the user account.
    First Name[current-user:original:field_first_name]Text field.
    First Name[current-user:original:field-first-name]Field "field_first_name".
    Last Name[current-user:original:field_last_name]Text field.
    Last Name[current-user:original:field-last-name]Field "field_last_name".
    Last access[current-user:original:last-access]The date the user last accessed the site.
    Custom format[current-user:original:last-access:custom:?]A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details.
    Long format[current-user:original:last-access:long]A date in 'long' format. (Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Medium format[current-user:original:last-access:medium]A date in 'medium' format. (June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Raw timestamp[current-user:original:last-access:raw]A date in UNIX timestamp format (1718085124)
    Short format[current-user:original:last-access:short]A date in 'short' format. (2024-06-11 05:52)
    Time-since[current-user:original:last-access:since]A date in 'time-since' format. (54 years 5 months)
    World[current-user:original:last-access:world]A date in 'world' format. (Jun 11, 2024)
    Last login[current-user:original:last-login]The date the user last logged in to the site.
    Meta tags[current-user:original:metatag]Meta tags for this user.
    Advanced tags: Author[current-user:original:metatag:author]Author(s) of the web page; little used though an official part of the HTML 5.2 specification.
    Advanced tags: Cache-Control[current-user:original:metatag:cache-control]Used to control whether a browser caches a specific page locally. Little used today. Should be used in conjunction with the Pragma meta tag.
    Advanced tags: Canonical URL[current-user:original:metatag:canonical]The URl of the preferred page location or URL of the content of this page, to help eliminate duplicate content penalties from search engines.
    Advanced tags: Content language[current-user:original:metatag:content-language]Used to define this page's language code. May be the two letter language code, e.g. "de" for German, or the two letter code with a dash and the two letter ISO country code, e.g. "de-AT" for German in Austria. Still used by Bing.
    Advanced tags: Content rating[current-user:original:metatag:rating]Used to indicate the intended audience for the content.
    Advanced tags: Expires[current-user:original:metatag:expires]Control when the browser's internal cache of the current page should expire. The date must to be an RFC-1123-compliant date string that is represented in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), e.g. 'Thu, 01 Sep 2016 00:12:56 GMT'. Set to '0' to stop the page being cached entirely.
    Advanced tags: Generator[current-user:original:metatag:generator]Describes the name and version number of the software or publishing tool used to create the page.
    Advanced tags: Geo place name[current-user:original:metatag:geo.placename]A location's formal name.
    Advanced tags: Geo position[current-user:original:metatag:geo.position]Geo-spatial information in "latitude; longitude" format, e.g. "50.167958; -97.133185"; see Wikipedia for details.
    Advanced tags: Geo region[current-user:original:metatag:geo.region]A location's two-letter international country code, with an optional two-letter region, e.g. "US-NH" for New Hampshire in the USA.
    Advanced tags: Google[current-user:original:metatag:google]This meta tag communicates with Google. There are currently two directives supported: 'nositelinkssearchbox' to not to show the sitelinks search box, and 'notranslate' to ask Google not to offer a translation of the page. Both options may be added, just separate them with a comma. See meta tags that Google understands for further details.
    Advanced tags: Google News Keywords[current-user:original:metatag:news_keywords]A comma-separated list of keywords about the page. This meta tag is used as an indicator in Google News.
    Advanced tags: Google Standout[current-user:original:metatag:standout]Highlight standout journalism on the web, especially for breaking news; used as an indicator in Google News. Warning: Don't abuse it, to be used a maximum of 7 times per calendar week!
    Advanced tags: ICBM[current-user:original:metatag:icbm]Geo-spatial information in "latitude, longitude" format, e.g. "50.167958, -97.133185"; see Wikipedia for details.
    Advanced tags: Image[current-user:original:metatag:image_src]An image associated with this page, for use as a thumbnail in social networks and other services.
    Advanced tags: Next page URL[current-user:original:metatag:next]Used for paginated content. Meet Google recommendations to indicate paginated content by providing URL with rel="next" link.
    Advanced tags: Original Source[current-user:original:metatag:original-source]Used to indicate the URL that broke the story, and can link to either an internal URL or an external source. If the full URL is not known it is acceptable to use a partial URL or just the domain name.
    Advanced tags: Pragma[current-user:original:metatag:pragma]Used to control whether a browser caches a specific page locally. Little used today. Should be used in conjunction with the Cache-Control meta tag.
    Advanced tags: Previous page URL[current-user:original:metatag:prev]Used for paginated content. Meet Google recommendations to indicate paginated content by providing URL with rel="prev" link.
    Advanced tags: Referrer policy[current-user:original:metatag:referrer]Indicate to search engines and other page scrapers whether or not links should be followed. See the W3C specifications for further details.
    Advanced tags: Refresh[current-user:original:metatag:refresh]The number of seconds to wait before refreshing the page. May also force redirect to another page using the format "5; url=", which would be triggered after five seconds.
    Advanced tags: Revisit After[current-user:original:metatag:revisit-after]Tell search engines when to index the page again. Very few search engines support this tag, it is more useful to use an XML Sitemap file.
    Advanced tags: Rights[current-user:original:metatag:rights]Details about intellectual property, such as copyright or trademarks; does not automatically protect the site's content or intellectual property.
    Advanced tags: Robots[current-user:original:metatag:robots]Provides search engines with specific directions for what to do when this page is indexed.
    Basic tags: Abstract[current-user:original:metatag:abstract]A brief and concise summary of the page's content, preferably 150 characters or less. Where as the description meta tag may be used by search engines to display a snippet about the page in search results, the abstract tag may be used to archive a summary about the page. This meta tag is no longer supported by major search engines.
    Basic tags: Description[current-user:original:metatag:description]A brief and concise summary of the page's content that is a maximum of 160 characters in length. The description meta tag may be used by search engines to display a snippet about the page in search results.
    Basic tags: Keywords[current-user:original:metatag:keywords]A comma-separated list of keywords about the page. This meta tag is no longer supported by most search engines anymore.
    Basic tags: Page title[current-user:original:metatag:title]The text to display in the title bar of a visitor's web browser when they view this page. This meta tag may also be used as the title of the page when a visitor bookmarks or favorites this page, or as the page title in a search engine result. It is common to append '[site:name]' to the end of this, so the site's name is automatically added. It is recommended that the title be no greater than 55 - 65 characters long, including spaces.
    Open Graph - Products: Availability[current-user:original:metatag:product:availability]Case-insensitive string, possible values: "instock", "pending", "oos". (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Brand[current-user:original:metatag:product:brand](Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Category[current-user:original:metatag:product:category]
    Open Graph - Products: Color[current-user:original:metatag:product:color]
    Open Graph - Products: Condition[current-user:original:metatag:product:condition]The condition of the product.
    Open Graph - Products: Currency[current-user:original:metatag:product:price:currency]The currency for the price. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: EAN[current-user:original:metatag:product:ean]
    Open Graph - Products: Expiration[current-user:original:metatag:product:expiration_time]A time representing when the product expired, or will expire.
    Open Graph - Products: ISBN[current-user:original:metatag:product:isbn]
    Open Graph - Products: Manufacturer SKU/Part Number[current-user:original:metatag:product:mfr_part_no]A manufacturer part number.
    Open Graph - Products: Material[current-user:original:metatag:product:material]A description of the material used to make the product.
    Open Graph - Products: Pattern[current-user:original:metatag:product:pattern]A description of the pattern used.
    Open Graph - Products: Plural Title[current-user:original:metatag:product:plural_title]A title to be used to describe multiple items of this product
    Open Graph - Products: Price[current-user:original:metatag:product:price:amount]The numeric price with decimal point, without currency indicator. Values below 0.01 may not be supported by clients. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Product Weight[current-user:original:metatag:product:weight:value]The weight, without shipping materials.
    Open Graph - Products: Product Weight Units[current-user:original:metatag:product:weight:units]The unit of weight.
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer ID[current-user:original:metatag:product:retailer]A Facebook ID (or reference to the profile) of the retailer. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer Name[current-user:original:metatag:product:retailer_title]The name of the retailer.
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer SKU/Product Number[current-user:original:metatag:product:retailer_part_no]A retailer part number.
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer item ID[current-user:original:metatag:product:retailer_item_id]The unique ID of the product. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Cost Amount[current-user:original:metatag:product:shipping_cost:amount]The shipping costs.
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Cost Currency[current-user:original:metatag:product:shipping_cost:currency]The shipping cost currency.
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Weight[current-user:original:metatag:product:shipping_weight:value]The shipping weight.
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Weight Units[current-user:original:metatag:product:shipping_weight:units]The unit of shipping weight.
    Open Graph - Products: Size[current-user:original:metatag:product:size]A size describing the product, such as S, M, L.
    Open Graph - Products: UPC[current-user:original:metatag:product:upc]
    Open Graph: Actor(s)[current-user:original:metatag:video:actor]Links to the Facebook profiles for actor(s) that appear in the video.
    Open Graph: Actors' role[current-user:original:metatag:video:actor:role]The roles of the actor(s).
    Open Graph: Alternative locales[current-user:original:metatag:og:locale:alternate]Other locales this content is available in, must be in the format language_TERRITORY, e.g. "fr_FR".
    Open Graph: Article author[current-user:original:metatag:article:author]Links an article to an author's Facebook profile, should be either URLs to the author's profile page or their Facebook profile IDs.
    Open Graph: Article expiration date & time[current-user:original:metatag:article:expiration_time]The date this content will expire, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Article modification date & time[current-user:original:metatag:article:modified_time]The date this content was last modified, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Article publication date & time[current-user:original:metatag:article:published_time]The date this content was published on, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Article publisher[current-user:original:metatag:article:publisher]Links an article to a publisher's Facebook page.
    Open Graph: Article section[current-user:original:metatag:article:section]The primary section of this website the content belongs to.
    Open Graph: Article tag(s)[current-user:original:metatag:article:tag]Appropriate keywords for this content.
    Open Graph: Audio URL[current-user:original:metatag:og:audio]The URL to an audio file that complements this object.
    Open Graph: Audio secure URL[current-user:original:metatag:og:audio:secure_url]The secure URL to an audio file that complements this object. All "https://" URLs will automatically be converted to "https://".
    Open Graph: Audio type[current-user:original:metatag:og:audio:type]The MIME type of the audio file. Examples include "application/mp3" for an MP3 file.
    Open Graph: Book's ISBN[current-user:original:metatag:book:isbn]The book's International Standard Book Number, which may be in one of several formats.
    Open Graph: Book's author[current-user:original:metatag:book:author]Links to the book's author's Facebook profile, should be either URLs to the author's profile page or their Facebook profile IDs.
    Open Graph: Book release date[current-user:original:metatag:book:release_date]The date this content will expire, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Book tags[current-user:original:metatag:book:tag]Appropriate keywords for this book.
    Open Graph: Content description[current-user:original:metatag:og:description]A one to two sentence description of the content.
    Open Graph: Content modification date & time[current-user:original:metatag:og:updated_time]The date this content was last modified, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format. Can be the same as the 'Article modification date' tag.
    Open Graph: Content title[current-user:original:metatag:og:title]The title of the content, e.g., The Rock.
    Open Graph: Content title determiner[current-user:original:metatag:og:determiner]The word that appears before the content's title in a sentence. The default ignores this value, the 'Automatic' value should be sufficient if this is actually needed.
    Open Graph: Content type[current-user:original:metatag:og:type]The type of the content, e.g., movie.
    Open Graph: Country name[current-user:original:metatag:og:country_name]
    Open Graph: Director(s)[current-user:original:metatag:video:director]Links to the Facebook profiles for director(s) that worked on the video.
    Open Graph: Email[current-user:original:metatag:og:email]
    Open Graph: Fax number[current-user:original:metatag:og:fax_number]
    Open Graph: First name[current-user:original:metatag:profile:first_name]The first name of the person who's Profile page this is.
    Open Graph: Gender[current-user:original:metatag:profile:gender]Any of Facebook's gender values should be allowed, the initial two being 'male' and 'female'.
    Open Graph: Image[current-user:original:metatag:og:image]The URL of an image which should represent the content. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels in size; 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum size, and for best results use an image least 1200 x 630 pixels in size. Supports PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. Should not be used if og:image:url is used. Note: if multiple images are added many services (e.g. Facebook) will default to the largest image, not specifically the first one.
    Open Graph: Image URL[current-user:original:metatag:og:image:url]A alternative version of og:image and has exactly the same requirements; only one needs to be used. Note: some services do not accept this tag and will only accept the "image" tag above.
    Open Graph: Image alternative text[current-user:original:metatag:og:image:alt]A description of what is in the image (not a caption). If og:image is provided this value should also be provided.
    Open Graph: Image height[current-user:original:metatag:og:image:height]The height of the above image(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured images are provided, they should both be the same size.
    Open Graph: Image type[current-user:original:metatag:og:image:type]The type of image referenced above. Should be either "image/gif" for a GIF image, "image/jpeg" for a JPG/JPEG image, or "image/png" for a PNG image. Note: there should be one value for each image, and having more than there are images may cause problems.
    Open Graph: Image width[current-user:original:metatag:og:image:width]The width of the above image(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured images are provided, they should both be the same size.
    Open Graph: Last name[current-user:original:metatag:profile:last_name]The person's last name.
    Open Graph: Latitude[current-user:original:metatag:og:latitude]
    Open Graph: Locale[current-user:original:metatag:og:locale]The locale these tags are marked up in, must be in the format language_TERRITORY. Default is en_US.
    Open Graph: Locality[current-user:original:metatag:og:locality]
    Open Graph: Longitude[current-user:original:metatag:og:longitude]
    Open Graph: Page URL[current-user:original:metatag:og:url]Preferred page location or URL to help eliminate duplicate content for search engines, e.g.,
    Open Graph: Phone number[current-user:original:metatag:og:phone_number]
    Open Graph: Postal/ZIP code[current-user:original:metatag:og:postal_code]
    Open Graph: Region[current-user:original:metatag:og:region]
    Open Graph: Release date[current-user:original:metatag:video:release_date]The date the video was released.
    Open Graph: Scriptwriter(s)[current-user:original:metatag:video:writer]Links to the Facebook profiles for scriptwriter(s) for the video.
    Open Graph: Secure image URL[current-user:original:metatag:og:image:secure_url]The secure URL (HTTPS) of an image which should represent the content. The image must be at least 50px by 50px and have a maximum aspect ratio of 3:1. Supports PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. All "https://" URLs will automatically be converted to "https://". Note: if multiple images are added many services (e.g. Facebook) will default to the largest image, not the first one.
    Open Graph: See also[current-user:original:metatag:og:see_also]URLs to related content.
    Open Graph: Series[current-user:original:metatag:video:series]The TV show this series belongs to.
    Open Graph: Site name[current-user:original:metatag:og:site_name]A human-readable name for the site, e.g., IMDb.
    Open Graph: Street address[current-user:original:metatag:og:street_address]
    Open Graph: Tag[current-user:original:metatag:video:tag]Tag words associated with this video.
    Open Graph: Username[current-user:original:metatag:profile:username]A pseudonym / alias of this person.
    Open Graph: Video URL[current-user:original:metatag:og:video:url]The URL of an video which should represent the content. For best results use a source that is at least 1200 x 630 pixels in size, but at least 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum. Object types supported include video.episode,, video.other, and video.tv_show.
    Open Graph: Video duration (seconds)[current-user:original:metatag:video:duration]The length of the video in seconds
    Open Graph: Video height[current-user:original:metatag:og:video:height]The height of the video.
    Open Graph: Video secure URL[current-user:original:metatag:og:video:secure_url]A URL to a video file that complements this object using the HTTPS protocol. All "https://" URLs will automatically be converted to "https://".
    Open Graph: Video type[current-user:original:metatag:og:video:type]The type of video referenced above. Should be either video.episode,, video.other, and video.tv_show. Note: there should be one value for each video, and having more than there are videos may cause problems.
    Open Graph: Video width[current-user:original:metatag:og:video:width]The width of the video.
    Site verification: Baidu[current-user:original:metatag:baidu-site-verification]A string provided by Baidu.
    Site verification: Bing[current-user:original:metatag:msvalidate.01]A string provided by Bing, full details are available from the Bing online help.
    Site verification: Facebook[current-user:original:metatag:facebook-domain-verification]A string provided by Facebook, full details are available from the Facebook online help.
    Site verification: Google[current-user:original:metatag:google-site-verification]A string provided by Google, full details are available from the Google online help.
    Site verification: Norton Safe Web[current-user:original:metatag:norton-safeweb-site-verification]A string provided by Norton Safe Web, full details are available from the Norton Safe Web online help.
    Site verification: Pinterest[current-user:original:metatag:p:domain_verify]A string provided by Pinterest, full details are available from the Pinterest online help.
    Site verification: Pocket[current-user:original:metatag:pocket-site-verification]A string provided by Pocket, full details are available from the Pocket online help.
    Site verification: Yandex[current-user:original:metatag:yandex-verification]A string provided by Yandex, full details are available from the Yandex online help.
    Site verification: Zoom[current-user:original:metatag:zoom-domain-verification]A string provided by Zoom, full details are available from the Zoom online help.
    Twitter card: 1st Gallery Image[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:image0]A URL to the image representing the first photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: 2nd Gallery Image[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:image1]A URL to the image representing the second photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: 3rd Gallery Image[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:image2]A URL to the image representing the third photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: 4th Gallery Image[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:image3]A URL to the image representing the fourth photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: App Store Country[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:app:country]If your application is not available in the US App Store, you must set this value to the two-letter country code for the App Store that contains your application.
    Twitter card: Creator's Twitter account[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:creator]The @username for the content creator / author for this page, including the @ symbol.
    Twitter card: Creator's Twitter account ID[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:creator:id]The numerical Twitter account ID for the content creator / author for this page.
    Twitter card: Data 1[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:data1]This field expects a string, and allows you to specify the types of data you want to offer (price, country, etc.).
    Twitter card: Data 2[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:data2]This field expects a string, and allows you to specify the types of data you want to offer (price, country, etc.).
    Twitter card: Description[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:description]A description that concisely summarizes the content of the page, as appropriate for presentation within a Tweet. Do not re-use the title text as the description, or use this field to describe the general services provided by the website. The string will be truncated, by Twitter, at the word to 200 characters.
    Twitter card: Do Not Track[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:dnt]By default Twitter tracks visitors when a tweet is embedded on a page using the official APIs. Setting this to "on" will stop Twitter from tracking visitors.
    Twitter card: Google Play app's custom URL scheme[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:app:url:googleplay]The Google Play app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
    Twitter card: Google Play app ID[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:app:id:googleplay]Your app ID in the Google Play Store (i.e. "").
    Twitter card: Google Play app name[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:app:name:googleplay]The name of the app in the Google Play app store.
    Twitter card: Image URL[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:image]The URL to a unique image representing the content of the page. Do not use a generic image such as your website logo, author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages. Images larger than 120x120px will be resized and cropped square based on longest dimension. Images smaller than 60x60px will not be shown. If the 'type' is set to Photo then the image must be at least 280x150px.
    Twitter card: Image alternative text[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:image:alt]The alternative text of the image being linked to. Limited to 420 characters.
    Twitter card: Image height[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:image:height]The height of the image being linked to, in pixels.
    Twitter card: Image width[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:image:width]The width of the image being linked to, in pixels.
    Twitter card: Label 1[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:label1]This field expects a string, and you can specify values for labels such as price, items in stock, sizes, etc.
    Twitter card: Label 2[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:label2]This field expects a string, and you can specify values for labels such as price, items in stock, sizes, etc.
    Twitter card: MP4 media stream MIME type[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:player:stream:content_type]The MIME type for the media contained in the stream URL, as defined by RFC 4337.
    Twitter card: MP4 media stream URL[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:player:stream]The full URL for an MP4 video (h.264) or audio (AAC) stream, takes precidence over the other media player field.
    Twitter card: Media player URL[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:player]The full URL for loading a media player. Required when using a Media player card.
    Twitter card: Media player height[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:player:height]The height of the media player iframe, in pixels. Required when using a Media player card.
    Twitter card: Media player width[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:player:width]The width of the media player iframe, in pixels. Required when using a Media player card.
    Twitter card: Page URL[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:url]The permalink / canonical URL of the current page.
    Twitter card: Site's Twitter account[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:site]The @username for the website, which will be displayed in the Card's footer; must include the @ symbol.
    Twitter card: Site's Twitter account ID[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:site:id]The numerical Twitter account ID for the website, which will be displayed in the Card's footer.
    Twitter card: Title[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:title]The page's title, which should be concise; it will be truncated at 70 characters by Twitter. This field is required unless this the 'type' field is set to "photo".
    Twitter card: Twitter card type[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:card]Notes:
    • no other fields are required for a Summary card
    • Photo card requires the "image" field
    • Media player card requires the "title", "description", "media player URL", "media player width", "media player height" and "image" fields,
    • Summary Card with Large Image card requires the "Summary" field and the "image" field,
    • Gallery Card requires all the "Gallery Image" fields,
    • App Card requires the "iPhone app ID" field, the "iPad app ID" field and the "Google Play app ID" field,
    • Product Card requires the "description" field, the "image" field, the "Label 1" field, the "Data 1" field, the "Label 2" field and the "Data 2" field.
    Twitter card: iPad app's custom URL scheme[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:app:url:ipad]The iPad app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
    Twitter card: iPad app ID[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:app:id:ipad]String value, should be the numeric representation of your iPad app's ID in the App Store.
    Twitter card: iPad app name[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:app:name:ipad]The name of the iPad app.
    Twitter card: iPhone app's custom URL scheme[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:app:url:iphone]The iPhone app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
    Twitter card: iPhone app ID[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:app:id:iphone]String value, should be the numeric representation of your iPhone app's ID in the App Store.
    Twitter card: iPhone app name[current-user:original:metatag:twitter:app:name:iphone]The name of the iPhone app.
    Organization[current-user:original:field_organization]Text field.
    Organization[current-user:original:field-organization]Field "field_organization".
    Picture[current-user:original:picture]The picture of the user.
    Alt Text[current-user:original:picture:field_file_image_alt_text]Text field.
    Alt Text[current-user:original:picture:field-file-image-alt-text]Field "field_file_image_alt_text".
    Base name[current-user:original:picture:basename]The base name of the file.
    Download URL[current-user:original:picture:download-url]The URL to download the file directly.
    Extension[current-user:original:picture:extension]The extension of the file.
    File ID[current-user:original:picture:fid]The unique ID of the uploaded file.
    File UUID[current-user:original:picture:uuid]The universally unique ID of the file
    File byte size[current-user:original:picture:size-raw]The size of the file, in bytes.
    File name[current-user:original:picture:name]The name of the file.
    File size[current-user:original:picture:size]The size of the file.
    File type[current-user:original:picture:type]The file type of the file.
    MIME type[current-user:original:picture:mime]The MIME type of the file.
    Owner[current-user:original:picture:owner]The user who originally uploaded the file.
    Path[current-user:original:picture:path]The location of the file relative to Drupal root.
    Timestamp[current-user:original:picture:timestamp]The date the file was most recently changed.
    Title Text[current-user:original:picture:field-file-image-title-text]Field "field_file_image_title_text".
    Title Text[current-user:original:picture:field_file_image_title_text]Text field.
    URL[current-user:original:picture:url]The web-accessible URL for the file.
    Raw name[current-user:original:name-raw]The raw login name of the user account, unprocessed by the RealName module.
    Real name[current-user:original:name]The real name of the user account.
    Roles[current-user:original:roles]The user roles associated with the user account.
    Count[current-user:original:roles:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[current-user:original:roles:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[current-user:original:roles:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[current-user:original:roles:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[current-user:original:roles:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[current-user:original:roles:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[current-user:original:roles:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[current-user:original:roles:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Status[current-user:original:status]Whether the user is active or blocked.
    Title[current-user:original:field-title]Field "field_title".
    Title[current-user:original:field_title]Text field.
    URL[current-user:original:url]The URL of the account profile page.
    Absolute URL[current-user:original:url:absolute]The absolute URL.
    Arguments[current-user:original:url:args]The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1').
    Brief URL[current-user:original:url:brief]The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash.
    Path[current-user:original:url:path]The path component of the URL.
    Relative URL[current-user:original:url:relative]The relative URL.
    Unaliased URL[current-user:original:url:unaliased]The unaliased URL.
    User ID[current-user:original:uid]The unique ID of the user account.
    User UUID[current-user:original:uuid]The universally unique ID of the user
    User role ids[current-user:original:role-ids]The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list.
    User role names[current-user:original:role-names]The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list.
    Picture[current-user:picture]The picture of the user.
    Alt Text[current-user:picture:field_file_image_alt_text]Text field.
    Alt Text[current-user:picture:field-file-image-alt-text]Field "field_file_image_alt_text".
    Base name[current-user:picture:basename]The base name of the file.
    Download URL[current-user:picture:download-url]The URL to download the file directly.
    Absolute URL[current-user:picture:download-url:absolute]The absolute URL.
    Arguments[current-user:picture:download-url:args]The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1').
    Brief URL[current-user:picture:download-url:brief]The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash.
    Path[current-user:picture:download-url:path]The path component of the URL.
    Relative URL[current-user:picture:download-url:relative]The relative URL.
    Unaliased URL[current-user:picture:download-url:unaliased]The unaliased URL.
    Extension[current-user:picture:extension]The extension of the file.
    File ID[current-user:picture:fid]The unique ID of the uploaded file.
    File UUID[current-user:picture:uuid]The universally unique ID of the file
    File byte size[current-user:picture:size-raw]The size of the file, in bytes.
    File name[current-user:picture:name]The name of the file.
    File size[current-user:picture:size]The size of the file.
    File type[current-user:picture:type]The file type of the file.
    Edit URL[current-user:picture:type:edit-url]The URL of the file type's edit page.
    File count[current-user:picture:type:count]The number of files belonging to the file type.
    Machine-readable name[current-user:picture:type:machine-name]The unique machine-readable name of the file type.
    Name[current-user:picture:type:name]The name of the file type.
    MIME type[current-user:picture:mime]The MIME type of the file.
    Original file[current-user:picture:original]The original file data if the file is being updated or saved.
    Alt Text[current-user:picture:original:field_file_image_alt_text]Text field.
    Alt Text[current-user:picture:original:field-file-image-alt-text]Field "field_file_image_alt_text".
    Base name[current-user:picture:original:basename]The base name of the file.
    Download URL[current-user:picture:original:download-url]The URL to download the file directly.
    Extension[current-user:picture:original:extension]The extension of the file.
    File ID[current-user:picture:original:fid]The unique ID of the uploaded file.
    File UUID[current-user:picture:original:uuid]The universally unique ID of the file
    File byte size[current-user:picture:original:size-raw]The size of the file, in bytes.
    File name[current-user:picture:original:name]The name of the file.
    File size[current-user:picture:original:size]The size of the file.
    File type[current-user:picture:original:type]The file type of the file.
    MIME type[current-user:picture:original:mime]The MIME type of the file.
    Owner[current-user:picture:original:owner]The user who originally uploaded the file.
    Path[current-user:picture:original:path]The location of the file relative to Drupal root.
    Timestamp[current-user:picture:original:timestamp]The date the file was most recently changed.
    Title Text[current-user:picture:original:field-file-image-title-text]Field "field_file_image_title_text".
    Title Text[current-user:picture:original:field_file_image_title_text]Text field.
    URL[current-user:picture:original:url]The web-accessible URL for the file.
    Owner[current-user:picture:owner]The user who originally uploaded the file.
    About[current-user:picture:owner:field_about_author]Long text field.
    About[current-user:picture:owner:field-about-author]Field "field_about_author".
    About (summary)[current-user:picture:owner:field_about_author-summary]A summary of the About field, trimmed to 200 characters.
    Changed[current-user:picture:owner:changed]The date the user account was changed.
    Created[current-user:picture:owner:created]The date the user account was created.
    Default theme[current-user:picture:owner:theme]The user's default theme.
    Display messages in popups.[current-user:picture:owner:field-user-nicemessages-enabled]Field "field_user_nicemessages_enabled".
    Display messages in popups.[current-user:picture:owner:field_user_nicemessages_enabled]Boolean field.
    Edit URL[current-user:picture:owner:edit-url]The URL of the account edit page.
    Email[current-user:picture:owner:mail]The email address of the user account.
    First Name[current-user:picture:owner:field_first_name]Text field.
    First Name[current-user:picture:owner:field-first-name]Field "field_first_name".
    Last Name[current-user:picture:owner:field_last_name]Text field.
    Last Name[current-user:picture:owner:field-last-name]Field "field_last_name".
    Last access[current-user:picture:owner:last-access]The date the user last accessed the site.
    Last login[current-user:picture:owner:last-login]The date the user last logged in to the site.
    Meta tags[current-user:picture:owner:metatag]Meta tags for this user.
    Organization[current-user:picture:owner:field_organization]Text field.
    Organization[current-user:picture:owner:field-organization]Field "field_organization".
    Original user[current-user:picture:owner:original]The original user data if the user is being updated or saved.
    Raw name[current-user:picture:owner:name-raw]The raw login name of the user account, unprocessed by the RealName module.
    Real name[current-user:picture:owner:name]The real name of the user account.
    Roles[current-user:picture:owner:roles]The user roles associated with the user account.
    Status[current-user:picture:owner:status]Whether the user is active or blocked.
    Title[current-user:picture:owner:field-title]Field "field_title".
    Title[current-user:picture:owner:field_title]Text field.
    URL[current-user:picture:owner:url]The URL of the account profile page.
    User ID[current-user:picture:owner:uid]The unique ID of the user account.
    User UUID[current-user:picture:owner:uuid]The universally unique ID of the user
    User role ids[current-user:picture:owner:role-ids]The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list.
    User role names[current-user:picture:owner:role-names]The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list.
    Path[current-user:picture:path]The location of the file relative to Drupal root.
    Timestamp[current-user:picture:timestamp]The date the file was most recently changed.
    Custom format[current-user:picture:timestamp:custom:?]A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details.
    Long format[current-user:picture:timestamp:long]A date in 'long' format. (Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Medium format[current-user:picture:timestamp:medium]A date in 'medium' format. (June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Raw timestamp[current-user:picture:timestamp:raw]A date in UNIX timestamp format (1718085124)
    Short format[current-user:picture:timestamp:short]A date in 'short' format. (2024-06-11 05:52)
    Time-since[current-user:picture:timestamp:since]A date in 'time-since' format. (54 years 5 months)
    World[current-user:picture:timestamp:world]A date in 'world' format. (Jun 11, 2024)
    Title Text[current-user:picture:field-file-image-title-text]Field "field_file_image_title_text".
    Title Text[current-user:picture:field_file_image_title_text]Text field.
    URL[current-user:picture:url]The web-accessible URL for the file.
    Raw name[current-user:name-raw]The raw login name of the user account, unprocessed by the RealName module.
    Real name[current-user:name]The real name of the user account.
    Roles[current-user:roles]The user roles associated with the user account.
    Count[current-user:roles:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[current-user:roles:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[current-user:roles:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[current-user:roles:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[current-user:roles:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Count[current-user:roles:keys:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[current-user:roles:keys:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[current-user:roles:keys:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[current-user:roles:keys:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Last[current-user:roles:keys:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[current-user:roles:keys:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[current-user:roles:keys:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Last[current-user:roles:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[current-user:roles:reversed]The array reversed.
    Count[current-user:roles:reversed:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[current-user:roles:reversed:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[current-user:roles:reversed:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[current-user:roles:reversed:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[current-user:roles:reversed:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[current-user:roles:reversed:last]The last element of the array.
    Value[current-user:roles:reversed:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Value[current-user:roles:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Status[current-user:status]Whether the user is active or blocked.
    Title[current-user:field-title]Field "field_title".
    Title[current-user:field_title]Text field.
    URL[current-user:url]The URL of the account profile page.
    Absolute URL[current-user:url:absolute]The absolute URL.
    Arguments[current-user:url:args]The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1').
    Count[current-user:url:args:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[current-user:url:args:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[current-user:url:args:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[current-user:url:args:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[current-user:url:args:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[current-user:url:args:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[current-user:url:args:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[current-user:url:args:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Brief URL[current-user:url:brief]The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash.
    Path[current-user:url:path]The path component of the URL.
    Relative URL[current-user:url:relative]The relative URL.
    Unaliased URL[current-user:url:unaliased]The unaliased URL.
    Absolute URL[current-user:url:unaliased:absolute]The absolute URL.
    Arguments[current-user:url:unaliased:args]The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1').
    Brief URL[current-user:url:unaliased:brief]The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash.
    Path[current-user:url:unaliased:path]The path component of the URL.
    Relative URL[current-user:url:unaliased:relative]The relative URL.
    User ID[current-user:uid]The unique ID of the user account.
    User UUID[current-user:uuid]The universally unique ID of the user
    User role ids[current-user:role-ids]The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list.
    User role names[current-user:role-names]The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list.
    MediaTokens related to a file_entity field.
    Field token value[file_field:field]Default: The value returned by the token field formatter. Defaults to first value.
    Filename[file_field:filename]Filename the file_entity resource. Defaults to first value.
    Count[file_field:filename:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:filename:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:filename:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:filename:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:filename:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Count[file_field:filename:keys:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:filename:keys:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:filename:keys:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:filename:keys:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Last[file_field:filename:keys:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:filename:keys:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[file_field:filename:keys:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Last[file_field:filename:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:filename:reversed]The array reversed.
    Count[file_field:filename:reversed:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:filename:reversed:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:filename:reversed:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:filename:reversed:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:filename:reversed:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[file_field:filename:reversed:last]The last element of the array.
    Value[file_field:filename:reversed:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Value[file_field:filename:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    File type[file_field:type]File type of the file_entity resource. Defaults to first value.
    Count[file_field:type:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:type:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:type:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:type:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:type:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Count[file_field:type:keys:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:type:keys:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:type:keys:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:type:keys:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Last[file_field:type:keys:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:type:keys:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[file_field:type:keys:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Last[file_field:type:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:type:reversed]The array reversed.
    Count[file_field:type:reversed:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:type:reversed:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:type:reversed:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:type:reversed:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:type:reversed:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[file_field:type:reversed:last]The last element of the array.
    Value[file_field:type:reversed:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Value[file_field:type:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Height[file_field:height]Height of the file_entity resource, for videos or images. Defaults to first value.
    Count[file_field:height:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:height:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:height:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:height:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:height:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Count[file_field:height:keys:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:height:keys:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:height:keys:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:height:keys:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Last[file_field:height:keys:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:height:keys:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[file_field:height:keys:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Last[file_field:height:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:height:reversed]The array reversed.
    Count[file_field:height:reversed:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:height:reversed:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:height:reversed:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:height:reversed:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:height:reversed:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[file_field:height:reversed:last]The last element of the array.
    Value[file_field:height:reversed:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Value[file_field:height:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Image[file_field:image]URL of a representative image for the file_entity resource, e.g. a video thumbnail. Defaults to first value.
    Count[file_field:image:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:image:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:image:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:image:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:image:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Count[file_field:image:keys:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:image:keys:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:image:keys:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:image:keys:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Last[file_field:image:keys:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:image:keys:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[file_field:image:keys:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Last[file_field:image:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:image:reversed]The array reversed.
    Count[file_field:image:reversed:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:image:reversed:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:image:reversed:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:image:reversed:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:image:reversed:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[file_field:image:reversed:last]The last element of the array.
    Value[file_field:image:reversed:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Value[file_field:image:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    MIME type[file_field:filemime]MIME type of the file_entity resource. Defaults to first value.
    Count[file_field:filemime:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:filemime:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:filemime:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:filemime:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:filemime:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Count[file_field:filemime:keys:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:filemime:keys:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:filemime:keys:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:filemime:keys:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Last[file_field:filemime:keys:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:filemime:keys:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[file_field:filemime:keys:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Last[file_field:filemime:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:filemime:reversed]The array reversed.
    Count[file_field:filemime:reversed:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:filemime:reversed:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:filemime:reversed:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:filemime:reversed:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:filemime:reversed:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[file_field:filemime:reversed:last]The last element of the array.
    Value[file_field:filemime:reversed:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Value[file_field:filemime:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Secure URL[file_field:https-url]URL of the file_entity resource using HTTPS. Defaults to first value.
    Count[file_field:https-url:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:https-url:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:https-url:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:https-url:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:https-url:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Count[file_field:https-url:keys:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:https-url:keys:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:https-url:keys:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:https-url:keys:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Last[file_field:https-url:keys:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:https-url:keys:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[file_field:https-url:keys:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Last[file_field:https-url:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:https-url:reversed]The array reversed.
    Count[file_field:https-url:reversed:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:https-url:reversed:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:https-url:reversed:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:https-url:reversed:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:https-url:reversed:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[file_field:https-url:reversed:last]The last element of the array.
    Value[file_field:https-url:reversed:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Value[file_field:https-url:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Secure image[file_field:https-image]URL of a representative image for the file_entity resource using HTTPS, usually for videos. Defaults to first value.
    Count[file_field:https-image:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:https-image:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:https-image:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:https-image:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:https-image:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Count[file_field:https-image:keys:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:https-image:keys:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:https-image:keys:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:https-image:keys:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Last[file_field:https-image:keys:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:https-image:keys:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[file_field:https-image:keys:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Last[file_field:https-image:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:https-image:reversed]The array reversed.
    Count[file_field:https-image:reversed:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:https-image:reversed:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:https-image:reversed:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:https-image:reversed:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:https-image:reversed:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[file_field:https-image:reversed:last]The last element of the array.
    Value[file_field:https-image:reversed:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Value[file_field:https-image:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    URL[file_field:url]URL of the file_entity resource. Defaults to first value.
    Count[file_field:url:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:url:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:url:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:url:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:url:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Count[file_field:url:keys:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:url:keys:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:url:keys:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:url:keys:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Last[file_field:url:keys:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:url:keys:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[file_field:url:keys:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Last[file_field:url:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:url:reversed]The array reversed.
    Count[file_field:url:reversed:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:url:reversed:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:url:reversed:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:url:reversed:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:url:reversed:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[file_field:url:reversed:last]The last element of the array.
    Value[file_field:url:reversed:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Value[file_field:url:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Width[file_field:width]Width of the file_entity resource, for videos or images. Defaults to first value.
    Count[file_field:width:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:width:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:width:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:width:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:width:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Count[file_field:width:keys:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:width:keys:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:width:keys:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:width:keys:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Last[file_field:width:keys:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:width:keys:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[file_field:width:keys:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Last[file_field:width:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[file_field:width:reversed]The array reversed.
    Count[file_field:width:reversed:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[file_field:width:reversed:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[file_field:width:reversed:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[file_field:width:reversed:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[file_field:width:reversed:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[file_field:width:reversed:last]The last element of the array.
    Value[file_field:width:reversed:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Value[file_field:width:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Meta tagsGenerated by the Metatag module, may not be used to fill in other meta tags.
    Advanced tags: Author[metatag:author]Author(s) of the web page; little used though an official part of the HTML 5.2 specification.
    Advanced tags: Cache-Control[metatag:cache-control]Used to control whether a browser caches a specific page locally. Little used today. Should be used in conjunction with the Pragma meta tag.
    Advanced tags: Canonical URL[metatag:canonical]The URl of the preferred page location or URL of the content of this page, to help eliminate duplicate content penalties from search engines.
    Advanced tags: Content language[metatag:content-language]Used to define this page's language code. May be the two letter language code, e.g. "de" for German, or the two letter code with a dash and the two letter ISO country code, e.g. "de-AT" for German in Austria. Still used by Bing.
    Advanced tags: Content rating[metatag:rating]Used to indicate the intended audience for the content.
    Advanced tags: Expires[metatag:expires]Control when the browser's internal cache of the current page should expire. The date must to be an RFC-1123-compliant date string that is represented in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), e.g. 'Thu, 01 Sep 2016 00:12:56 GMT'. Set to '0' to stop the page being cached entirely.
    Advanced tags: Generator[metatag:generator]Describes the name and version number of the software or publishing tool used to create the page.
    Advanced tags: Geo place name[metatag:geo.placename]A location's formal name.
    Advanced tags: Geo position[metatag:geo.position]Geo-spatial information in "latitude; longitude" format, e.g. "50.167958; -97.133185"; see Wikipedia for details.
    Advanced tags: Geo region[metatag:geo.region]A location's two-letter international country code, with an optional two-letter region, e.g. "US-NH" for New Hampshire in the USA.
    Advanced tags: Google[metatag:google]This meta tag communicates with Google. There are currently two directives supported: 'nositelinkssearchbox' to not to show the sitelinks search box, and 'notranslate' to ask Google not to offer a translation of the page. Both options may be added, just separate them with a comma. See meta tags that Google understands for further details.
    Advanced tags: Google News Keywords[metatag:news_keywords]A comma-separated list of keywords about the page. This meta tag is used as an indicator in Google News.
    Advanced tags: Google Standout[metatag:standout]Highlight standout journalism on the web, especially for breaking news; used as an indicator in Google News. Warning: Don't abuse it, to be used a maximum of 7 times per calendar week!
    Advanced tags: ICBM[metatag:icbm]Geo-spatial information in "latitude, longitude" format, e.g. "50.167958, -97.133185"; see Wikipedia for details.
    Advanced tags: Image[metatag:image_src]An image associated with this page, for use as a thumbnail in social networks and other services.
    Advanced tags: Next page URL[metatag:next]Used for paginated content. Meet Google recommendations to indicate paginated content by providing URL with rel="next" link.
    Advanced tags: Original Source[metatag:original-source]Used to indicate the URL that broke the story, and can link to either an internal URL or an external source. If the full URL is not known it is acceptable to use a partial URL or just the domain name.
    Advanced tags: Pragma[metatag:pragma]Used to control whether a browser caches a specific page locally. Little used today. Should be used in conjunction with the Cache-Control meta tag.
    Advanced tags: Previous page URL[metatag:prev]Used for paginated content. Meet Google recommendations to indicate paginated content by providing URL with rel="prev" link.
    Advanced tags: Referrer policy[metatag:referrer]Indicate to search engines and other page scrapers whether or not links should be followed. See the W3C specifications for further details.
    Advanced tags: Refresh[metatag:refresh]The number of seconds to wait before refreshing the page. May also force redirect to another page using the format "5; url=", which would be triggered after five seconds.
    Advanced tags: Revisit After[metatag:revisit-after]Tell search engines when to index the page again. Very few search engines support this tag, it is more useful to use an XML Sitemap file.
    Advanced tags: Rights[metatag:rights]Details about intellectual property, such as copyright or trademarks; does not automatically protect the site's content or intellectual property.
    Advanced tags: Robots[metatag:robots]Provides search engines with specific directions for what to do when this page is indexed.
    Basic tags: Abstract[metatag:abstract]A brief and concise summary of the page's content, preferably 150 characters or less. Where as the description meta tag may be used by search engines to display a snippet about the page in search results, the abstract tag may be used to archive a summary about the page. This meta tag is no longer supported by major search engines.
    Basic tags: Description[metatag:description]A brief and concise summary of the page's content that is a maximum of 160 characters in length. The description meta tag may be used by search engines to display a snippet about the page in search results.
    Basic tags: Keywords[metatag:keywords]A comma-separated list of keywords about the page. This meta tag is no longer supported by most search engines anymore.
    Basic tags: Page title[metatag:title]The text to display in the title bar of a visitor's web browser when they view this page. This meta tag may also be used as the title of the page when a visitor bookmarks or favorites this page, or as the page title in a search engine result. It is common to append '[site:name]' to the end of this, so the site's name is automatically added. It is recommended that the title be no greater than 55 - 65 characters long, including spaces.
    Open Graph - Products: Availability[metatag:product:availability]Case-insensitive string, possible values: "instock", "pending", "oos". (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Brand[metatag:product:brand](Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Category[metatag:product:category]
    Open Graph - Products: Color[metatag:product:color]
    Open Graph - Products: Condition[metatag:product:condition]The condition of the product.
    Open Graph - Products: Currency[metatag:product:price:currency]The currency for the price. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: EAN[metatag:product:ean]
    Open Graph - Products: Expiration[metatag:product:expiration_time]A time representing when the product expired, or will expire.
    Open Graph - Products: ISBN[metatag:product:isbn]
    Open Graph - Products: Manufacturer SKU/Part Number[metatag:product:mfr_part_no]A manufacturer part number.
    Open Graph - Products: Material[metatag:product:material]A description of the material used to make the product.
    Open Graph - Products: Pattern[metatag:product:pattern]A description of the pattern used.
    Open Graph - Products: Plural Title[metatag:product:plural_title]A title to be used to describe multiple items of this product
    Open Graph - Products: Price[metatag:product:price:amount]The numeric price with decimal point, without currency indicator. Values below 0.01 may not be supported by clients. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Product Weight[metatag:product:weight:value]The weight, without shipping materials.
    Open Graph - Products: Product Weight Units[metatag:product:weight:units]The unit of weight.
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer ID[metatag:product:retailer]A Facebook ID (or reference to the profile) of the retailer. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer Name[metatag:product:retailer_title]The name of the retailer.
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer SKU/Product Number[metatag:product:retailer_part_no]A retailer part number.
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer item ID[metatag:product:retailer_item_id]The unique ID of the product. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Cost Amount[metatag:product:shipping_cost:amount]The shipping costs.
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Cost Currency[metatag:product:shipping_cost:currency]The shipping cost currency.
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Weight[metatag:product:shipping_weight:value]The shipping weight.
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Weight Units[metatag:product:shipping_weight:units]The unit of shipping weight.
    Open Graph - Products: Size[metatag:product:size]A size describing the product, such as S, M, L.
    Open Graph - Products: UPC[metatag:product:upc]
    Open Graph: Actor(s)[metatag:video:actor]Links to the Facebook profiles for actor(s) that appear in the video.
    Open Graph: Actors' role[metatag:video:actor:role]The roles of the actor(s).
    Open Graph: Alternative locales[metatag:og:locale:alternate]Other locales this content is available in, must be in the format language_TERRITORY, e.g. "fr_FR".
    Open Graph: Article author[metatag:article:author]Links an article to an author's Facebook profile, should be either URLs to the author's profile page or their Facebook profile IDs.
    Open Graph: Article expiration date & time[metatag:article:expiration_time]The date this content will expire, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Article modification date & time[metatag:article:modified_time]The date this content was last modified, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Article publication date & time[metatag:article:published_time]The date this content was published on, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Article publisher[metatag:article:publisher]Links an article to a publisher's Facebook page.
    Open Graph: Article section[metatag:article:section]The primary section of this website the content belongs to.
    Open Graph: Article tag(s)[metatag:article:tag]Appropriate keywords for this content.
    Open Graph: Audio URL[metatag:og:audio]The URL to an audio file that complements this object.
    Open Graph: Audio secure URL[metatag:og:audio:secure_url]The secure URL to an audio file that complements this object. All "https://" URLs will automatically be converted to "https://".
    Open Graph: Audio type[metatag:og:audio:type]The MIME type of the audio file. Examples include "application/mp3" for an MP3 file.
    Open Graph: Book's ISBN[metatag:book:isbn]The book's International Standard Book Number, which may be in one of several formats.
    Open Graph: Book's author[metatag:book:author]Links to the book's author's Facebook profile, should be either URLs to the author's profile page or their Facebook profile IDs.
    Open Graph: Book release date[metatag:book:release_date]The date this content will expire, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Book tags[metatag:book:tag]Appropriate keywords for this book.
    Open Graph: Content description[metatag:og:description]A one to two sentence description of the content.
    Open Graph: Content modification date & time[metatag:og:updated_time]The date this content was last modified, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format. Can be the same as the 'Article modification date' tag.
    Open Graph: Content title[metatag:og:title]The title of the content, e.g., The Rock.
    Open Graph: Content title determiner[metatag:og:determiner]The word that appears before the content's title in a sentence. The default ignores this value, the 'Automatic' value should be sufficient if this is actually needed.
    Open Graph: Content type[metatag:og:type]The type of the content, e.g., movie.
    Open Graph: Country name[metatag:og:country_name]
    Open Graph: Director(s)[metatag:video:director]Links to the Facebook profiles for director(s) that worked on the video.
    Open Graph: Email[metatag:og:email]
    Open Graph: Fax number[metatag:og:fax_number]
    Open Graph: First name[metatag:profile:first_name]The first name of the person who's Profile page this is.
    Open Graph: Gender[metatag:profile:gender]Any of Facebook's gender values should be allowed, the initial two being 'male' and 'female'.
    Open Graph: Image[metatag:og:image]The URL of an image which should represent the content. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels in size; 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum size, and for best results use an image least 1200 x 630 pixels in size. Supports PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. Should not be used if og:image:url is used. Note: if multiple images are added many services (e.g. Facebook) will default to the largest image, not specifically the first one.
    Open Graph: Image URL[metatag:og:image:url]A alternative version of og:image and has exactly the same requirements; only one needs to be used. Note: some services do not accept this tag and will only accept the "image" tag above.
    Open Graph: Image alternative text[metatag:og:image:alt]A description of what is in the image (not a caption). If og:image is provided this value should also be provided.
    Open Graph: Image height[metatag:og:image:height]The height of the above image(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured images are provided, they should both be the same size.
    Open Graph: Image type[metatag:og:image:type]The type of image referenced above. Should be either "image/gif" for a GIF image, "image/jpeg" for a JPG/JPEG image, or "image/png" for a PNG image. Note: there should be one value for each image, and having more than there are images may cause problems.
    Open Graph: Image width[metatag:og:image:width]The width of the above image(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured images are provided, they should both be the same size.
    Open Graph: Last name[metatag:profile:last_name]The person's last name.
    Open Graph: Latitude[metatag:og:latitude]
    Open Graph: Locale[metatag:og:locale]The locale these tags are marked up in, must be in the format language_TERRITORY. Default is en_US.
    Open Graph: Locality[metatag:og:locality]
    Open Graph: Longitude[metatag:og:longitude]
    Open Graph: Page URL[metatag:og:url]Preferred page location or URL to help eliminate duplicate content for search engines, e.g.,
    Open Graph: Phone number[metatag:og:phone_number]
    Open Graph: Postal/ZIP code[metatag:og:postal_code]
    Open Graph: Region[metatag:og:region]
    Open Graph: Release date[metatag:video:release_date]The date the video was released.
    Open Graph: Scriptwriter(s)[metatag:video:writer]Links to the Facebook profiles for scriptwriter(s) for the video.
    Open Graph: Secure image URL[metatag:og:image:secure_url]The secure URL (HTTPS) of an image which should represent the content. The image must be at least 50px by 50px and have a maximum aspect ratio of 3:1. Supports PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. All "https://" URLs will automatically be converted to "https://". Note: if multiple images are added many services (e.g. Facebook) will default to the largest image, not the first one.
    Open Graph: See also[metatag:og:see_also]URLs to related content.
    Open Graph: Series[metatag:video:series]The TV show this series belongs to.
    Open Graph: Site name[metatag:og:site_name]A human-readable name for the site, e.g., IMDb.
    Open Graph: Street address[metatag:og:street_address]
    Open Graph: Tag[metatag:video:tag]Tag words associated with this video.
    Open Graph: Username[metatag:profile:username]A pseudonym / alias of this person.
    Open Graph: Video URL[metatag:og:video:url]The URL of an video which should represent the content. For best results use a source that is at least 1200 x 630 pixels in size, but at least 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum. Object types supported include video.episode,, video.other, and video.tv_show.
    Open Graph: Video duration (seconds)[metatag:video:duration]The length of the video in seconds
    Open Graph: Video height[metatag:og:video:height]The height of the video.
    Open Graph: Video secure URL[metatag:og:video:secure_url]A URL to a video file that complements this object using the HTTPS protocol. All "https://" URLs will automatically be converted to "https://".
    Open Graph: Video type[metatag:og:video:type]The type of video referenced above. Should be either video.episode,, video.other, and video.tv_show. Note: there should be one value for each video, and having more than there are videos may cause problems.
    Open Graph: Video width[metatag:og:video:width]The width of the video.
    Site verification: Baidu[metatag:baidu-site-verification]A string provided by Baidu.
    Site verification: Bing[metatag:msvalidate.01]A string provided by Bing, full details are available from the Bing online help.
    Site verification: Facebook[metatag:facebook-domain-verification]A string provided by Facebook, full details are available from the Facebook online help.
    Site verification: Google[metatag:google-site-verification]A string provided by Google, full details are available from the Google online help.
    Site verification: Norton Safe Web[metatag:norton-safeweb-site-verification]A string provided by Norton Safe Web, full details are available from the Norton Safe Web online help.
    Site verification: Pinterest[metatag:p:domain_verify]A string provided by Pinterest, full details are available from the Pinterest online help.
    Site verification: Pocket[metatag:pocket-site-verification]A string provided by Pocket, full details are available from the Pocket online help.
    Site verification: Yandex[metatag:yandex-verification]A string provided by Yandex, full details are available from the Yandex online help.
    Site verification: Zoom[metatag:zoom-domain-verification]A string provided by Zoom, full details are available from the Zoom online help.
    Twitter card: 1st Gallery Image[metatag:twitter:image0]A URL to the image representing the first photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: 2nd Gallery Image[metatag:twitter:image1]A URL to the image representing the second photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: 3rd Gallery Image[metatag:twitter:image2]A URL to the image representing the third photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: 4th Gallery Image[metatag:twitter:image3]A URL to the image representing the fourth photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: App Store Country[metatag:twitter:app:country]If your application is not available in the US App Store, you must set this value to the two-letter country code for the App Store that contains your application.
    Twitter card: Creator's Twitter account[metatag:twitter:creator]The @username for the content creator / author for this page, including the @ symbol.
    Twitter card: Creator's Twitter account ID[metatag:twitter:creator:id]The numerical Twitter account ID for the content creator / author for this page.
    Twitter card: Data 1[metatag:twitter:data1]This field expects a string, and allows you to specify the types of data you want to offer (price, country, etc.).
    Twitter card: Data 2[metatag:twitter:data2]This field expects a string, and allows you to specify the types of data you want to offer (price, country, etc.).
    Twitter card: Description[metatag:twitter:description]A description that concisely summarizes the content of the page, as appropriate for presentation within a Tweet. Do not re-use the title text as the description, or use this field to describe the general services provided by the website. The string will be truncated, by Twitter, at the word to 200 characters.
    Twitter card: Do Not Track[metatag:twitter:dnt]By default Twitter tracks visitors when a tweet is embedded on a page using the official APIs. Setting this to "on" will stop Twitter from tracking visitors.
    Twitter card: Google Play app's custom URL scheme[metatag:twitter:app:url:googleplay]The Google Play app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
    Twitter card: Google Play app ID[metatag:twitter:app:id:googleplay]Your app ID in the Google Play Store (i.e. "").
    Twitter card: Google Play app name[metatag:twitter:app:name:googleplay]The name of the app in the Google Play app store.
    Twitter card: Image URL[metatag:twitter:image]The URL to a unique image representing the content of the page. Do not use a generic image such as your website logo, author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages. Images larger than 120x120px will be resized and cropped square based on longest dimension. Images smaller than 60x60px will not be shown. If the 'type' is set to Photo then the image must be at least 280x150px.
    Twitter card: Image alternative text[metatag:twitter:image:alt]The alternative text of the image being linked to. Limited to 420 characters.
    Twitter card: Image height[metatag:twitter:image:height]The height of the image being linked to, in pixels.
    Twitter card: Image width[metatag:twitter:image:width]The width of the image being linked to, in pixels.
    Twitter card: Label 1[metatag:twitter:label1]This field expects a string, and you can specify values for labels such as price, items in stock, sizes, etc.
    Twitter card: Label 2[metatag:twitter:label2]This field expects a string, and you can specify values for labels such as price, items in stock, sizes, etc.
    Twitter card: MP4 media stream MIME type[metatag:twitter:player:stream:content_type]The MIME type for the media contained in the stream URL, as defined by RFC 4337.
    Twitter card: MP4 media stream URL[metatag:twitter:player:stream]The full URL for an MP4 video (h.264) or audio (AAC) stream, takes precidence over the other media player field.
    Twitter card: Media player URL[metatag:twitter:player]The full URL for loading a media player. Required when using a Media player card.
    Twitter card: Media player height[metatag:twitter:player:height]The height of the media player iframe, in pixels. Required when using a Media player card.
    Twitter card: Media player width[metatag:twitter:player:width]The width of the media player iframe, in pixels. Required when using a Media player card.
    Twitter card: Page URL[metatag:twitter:url]The permalink / canonical URL of the current page.
    Twitter card: Site's Twitter account[metatag:twitter:site]The @username for the website, which will be displayed in the Card's footer; must include the @ symbol.
    Twitter card: Site's Twitter account ID[metatag:twitter:site:id]The numerical Twitter account ID for the website, which will be displayed in the Card's footer.
    Twitter card: Title[metatag:twitter:title]The page's title, which should be concise; it will be truncated at 70 characters by Twitter. This field is required unless this the 'type' field is set to "photo".
    Twitter card: Twitter card type[metatag:twitter:card]Notes:
    • no other fields are required for a Summary card
    • Photo card requires the "image" field
    • Media player card requires the "title", "description", "media player URL", "media player width", "media player height" and "image" fields,
    • Summary Card with Large Image card requires the "Summary" field and the "image" field,
    • Gallery Card requires all the "Gallery Image" fields,
    • App Card requires the "iPhone app ID" field, the "iPad app ID" field and the "Google Play app ID" field,
    • Product Card requires the "description" field, the "image" field, the "Label 1" field, the "Data 1" field, the "Label 2" field and the "Data 2" field.
    Twitter card: iPad app's custom URL scheme[metatag:twitter:app:url:ipad]The iPad app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
    Twitter card: iPad app ID[metatag:twitter:app:id:ipad]String value, should be the numeric representation of your iPad app's ID in the App Store.
    Twitter card: iPad app name[metatag:twitter:app:name:ipad]The name of the iPad app.
    Twitter card: iPhone app's custom URL scheme[metatag:twitter:app:url:iphone]The iPhone app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
    Twitter card: iPhone app ID[metatag:twitter:app:id:iphone]String value, should be the numeric representation of your iPhone app's ID in the App Store.
    Twitter card: iPhone app name[metatag:twitter:app:name:iphone]The name of the iPhone app.
    RandomTokens related to random data.
    Hash[random:hash:?]A random hash. The possible hashing algorithms are: md2, md4, md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512/224, sha512/256, sha512, sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384, sha3-512, ripemd128, ripemd160, ripemd256, ripemd320, whirlpool, tiger128,3, tiger160,3, tiger192,3, tiger128,4, tiger160,4, tiger192,4, snefru, snefru256, gost, gost-crypto, adler32, crc32, crc32b, crc32c, fnv132, fnv1a32, fnv164, fnv1a64, joaat, haval128,3, haval160,3, haval192,3, haval224,3, haval256,3, haval128,4, haval160,4, haval192,4, haval224,4, haval256,4, haval128,5, haval160,5, haval192,5, haval224,5, haval256,5.
    Number[random:number]A random number from 0 to 2147483647.
    Site informationTokens for site-wide settings and other global information.
    Current date[site:current-date]The current date and time.
    Custom format[site:current-date:custom:?]A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details.
    Long format[site:current-date:long]A date in 'long' format. (Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Medium format[site:current-date:medium]A date in 'medium' format. (June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Raw timestamp[site:current-date:raw]A date in UNIX timestamp format (1718085124)
    Short format[site:current-date:short]A date in 'short' format. (2024-06-11 05:52)
    Time-since[site:current-date:since]A date in 'time-since' format. (54 years 5 months)
    World[site:current-date:world]A date in 'world' format. (Jun 11, 2024)
    Current page[site:current-page:?]Information related to the current page request. The following properties may be appended to the token: path (Path), url (URL)
    Email[site:mail]The administrative email address for the site.
    Logged in user[site:current-user]The currently logged in user.
    About[site:current-user:field_about_author]Long text field.
    About[site:current-user:field-about-author]Field "field_about_author".
    About (summary)[site:current-user:field_about_author-summary]A summary of the About field, trimmed to 200 characters.
    Changed[site:current-user:changed]The date the user account was changed.
    Custom format[site:current-user:changed:custom:?]A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details.
    Long format[site:current-user:changed:long]A date in 'long' format. (Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Medium format[site:current-user:changed:medium]A date in 'medium' format. (June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Raw timestamp[site:current-user:changed:raw]A date in UNIX timestamp format (1718085124)
    Short format[site:current-user:changed:short]A date in 'short' format. (2024-06-11 05:52)
    Time-since[site:current-user:changed:since]A date in 'time-since' format. (54 years 5 months)
    World[site:current-user:changed:world]A date in 'world' format. (Jun 11, 2024)
    Created[site:current-user:created]The date the user account was created.
    Custom format[site:current-user:created:custom:?]A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details.
    Long format[site:current-user:created:long]A date in 'long' format. (Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Medium format[site:current-user:created:medium]A date in 'medium' format. (June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Raw timestamp[site:current-user:created:raw]A date in UNIX timestamp format (1718085124)
    Short format[site:current-user:created:short]A date in 'short' format. (2024-06-11 05:52)
    Time-since[site:current-user:created:since]A date in 'time-since' format. (54 years 5 months)
    World[site:current-user:created:world]A date in 'world' format. (Jun 11, 2024)
    Default theme[site:current-user:theme]The user's default theme.
    Display messages in popups.[site:current-user:field-user-nicemessages-enabled]Field "field_user_nicemessages_enabled".
    Display messages in popups.[site:current-user:field_user_nicemessages_enabled]Boolean field.
    Edit URL[site:current-user:edit-url]The URL of the account edit page.
    Email[site:current-user:mail]The email address of the user account.
    First Name[site:current-user:field_first_name]Text field.
    First Name[site:current-user:field-first-name]Field "field_first_name".
    Last Name[site:current-user:field_last_name]Text field.
    Last Name[site:current-user:field-last-name]Field "field_last_name".
    Last access[site:current-user:last-access]The date the user last accessed the site.
    Custom format[site:current-user:last-access:custom:?]A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details.
    Long format[site:current-user:last-access:long]A date in 'long' format. (Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Medium format[site:current-user:last-access:medium]A date in 'medium' format. (June 11, 2024 - 05:52)
    Raw timestamp[site:current-user:last-access:raw]A date in UNIX timestamp format (1718085124)
    Short format[site:current-user:last-access:short]A date in 'short' format. (2024-06-11 05:52)
    Time-since[site:current-user:last-access:since]A date in 'time-since' format. (54 years 5 months)
    World[site:current-user:last-access:world]A date in 'world' format. (Jun 11, 2024)
    Last login[site:current-user:last-login]The date the user last logged in to the site.
    Meta tags[site:current-user:metatag]Meta tags for this user.
    Advanced tags: Author[site:current-user:metatag:author]Author(s) of the web page; little used though an official part of the HTML 5.2 specification.
    Advanced tags: Cache-Control[site:current-user:metatag:cache-control]Used to control whether a browser caches a specific page locally. Little used today. Should be used in conjunction with the Pragma meta tag.
    Advanced tags: Canonical URL[site:current-user:metatag:canonical]The URl of the preferred page location or URL of the content of this page, to help eliminate duplicate content penalties from search engines.
    Advanced tags: Content language[site:current-user:metatag:content-language]Used to define this page's language code. May be the two letter language code, e.g. "de" for German, or the two letter code with a dash and the two letter ISO country code, e.g. "de-AT" for German in Austria. Still used by Bing.
    Advanced tags: Content rating[site:current-user:metatag:rating]Used to indicate the intended audience for the content.
    Advanced tags: Expires[site:current-user:metatag:expires]Control when the browser's internal cache of the current page should expire. The date must to be an RFC-1123-compliant date string that is represented in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), e.g. 'Thu, 01 Sep 2016 00:12:56 GMT'. Set to '0' to stop the page being cached entirely.
    Advanced tags: Generator[site:current-user:metatag:generator]Describes the name and version number of the software or publishing tool used to create the page.
    Advanced tags: Geo place name[site:current-user:metatag:geo.placename]A location's formal name.
    Advanced tags: Geo position[site:current-user:metatag:geo.position]Geo-spatial information in "latitude; longitude" format, e.g. "50.167958; -97.133185"; see Wikipedia for details.
    Advanced tags: Geo region[site:current-user:metatag:geo.region]A location's two-letter international country code, with an optional two-letter region, e.g. "US-NH" for New Hampshire in the USA.
    Advanced tags: Google[site:current-user:metatag:google]This meta tag communicates with Google. There are currently two directives supported: 'nositelinkssearchbox' to not to show the sitelinks search box, and 'notranslate' to ask Google not to offer a translation of the page. Both options may be added, just separate them with a comma. See meta tags that Google understands for further details.
    Advanced tags: Google News Keywords[site:current-user:metatag:news_keywords]A comma-separated list of keywords about the page. This meta tag is used as an indicator in Google News.
    Advanced tags: Google Standout[site:current-user:metatag:standout]Highlight standout journalism on the web, especially for breaking news; used as an indicator in Google News. Warning: Don't abuse it, to be used a maximum of 7 times per calendar week!
    Advanced tags: ICBM[site:current-user:metatag:icbm]Geo-spatial information in "latitude, longitude" format, e.g. "50.167958, -97.133185"; see Wikipedia for details.
    Advanced tags: Image[site:current-user:metatag:image_src]An image associated with this page, for use as a thumbnail in social networks and other services.
    Advanced tags: Next page URL[site:current-user:metatag:next]Used for paginated content. Meet Google recommendations to indicate paginated content by providing URL with rel="next" link.
    Advanced tags: Original Source[site:current-user:metatag:original-source]Used to indicate the URL that broke the story, and can link to either an internal URL or an external source. If the full URL is not known it is acceptable to use a partial URL or just the domain name.
    Advanced tags: Pragma[site:current-user:metatag:pragma]Used to control whether a browser caches a specific page locally. Little used today. Should be used in conjunction with the Cache-Control meta tag.
    Advanced tags: Previous page URL[site:current-user:metatag:prev]Used for paginated content. Meet Google recommendations to indicate paginated content by providing URL with rel="prev" link.
    Advanced tags: Referrer policy[site:current-user:metatag:referrer]Indicate to search engines and other page scrapers whether or not links should be followed. See the W3C specifications for further details.
    Advanced tags: Refresh[site:current-user:metatag:refresh]The number of seconds to wait before refreshing the page. May also force redirect to another page using the format "5; url=", which would be triggered after five seconds.
    Advanced tags: Revisit After[site:current-user:metatag:revisit-after]Tell search engines when to index the page again. Very few search engines support this tag, it is more useful to use an XML Sitemap file.
    Advanced tags: Rights[site:current-user:metatag:rights]Details about intellectual property, such as copyright or trademarks; does not automatically protect the site's content or intellectual property.
    Advanced tags: Robots[site:current-user:metatag:robots]Provides search engines with specific directions for what to do when this page is indexed.
    Basic tags: Abstract[site:current-user:metatag:abstract]A brief and concise summary of the page's content, preferably 150 characters or less. Where as the description meta tag may be used by search engines to display a snippet about the page in search results, the abstract tag may be used to archive a summary about the page. This meta tag is no longer supported by major search engines.
    Basic tags: Description[site:current-user:metatag:description]A brief and concise summary of the page's content that is a maximum of 160 characters in length. The description meta tag may be used by search engines to display a snippet about the page in search results.
    Basic tags: Keywords[site:current-user:metatag:keywords]A comma-separated list of keywords about the page. This meta tag is no longer supported by most search engines anymore.
    Basic tags: Page title[site:current-user:metatag:title]The text to display in the title bar of a visitor's web browser when they view this page. This meta tag may also be used as the title of the page when a visitor bookmarks or favorites this page, or as the page title in a search engine result. It is common to append '[site:name]' to the end of this, so the site's name is automatically added. It is recommended that the title be no greater than 55 - 65 characters long, including spaces.
    Open Graph - Products: Availability[site:current-user:metatag:product:availability]Case-insensitive string, possible values: "instock", "pending", "oos". (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Brand[site:current-user:metatag:product:brand](Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Category[site:current-user:metatag:product:category]
    Open Graph - Products: Color[site:current-user:metatag:product:color]
    Open Graph - Products: Condition[site:current-user:metatag:product:condition]The condition of the product.
    Open Graph - Products: Currency[site:current-user:metatag:product:price:currency]The currency for the price. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: EAN[site:current-user:metatag:product:ean]
    Open Graph - Products: Expiration[site:current-user:metatag:product:expiration_time]A time representing when the product expired, or will expire.
    Open Graph - Products: ISBN[site:current-user:metatag:product:isbn]
    Open Graph - Products: Manufacturer SKU/Part Number[site:current-user:metatag:product:mfr_part_no]A manufacturer part number.
    Open Graph - Products: Material[site:current-user:metatag:product:material]A description of the material used to make the product.
    Open Graph - Products: Pattern[site:current-user:metatag:product:pattern]A description of the pattern used.
    Open Graph - Products: Plural Title[site:current-user:metatag:product:plural_title]A title to be used to describe multiple items of this product
    Open Graph - Products: Price[site:current-user:metatag:product:price:amount]The numeric price with decimal point, without currency indicator. Values below 0.01 may not be supported by clients. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Product Weight[site:current-user:metatag:product:weight:value]The weight, without shipping materials.
    Open Graph - Products: Product Weight Units[site:current-user:metatag:product:weight:units]The unit of weight.
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer ID[site:current-user:metatag:product:retailer]A Facebook ID (or reference to the profile) of the retailer. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer Name[site:current-user:metatag:product:retailer_title]The name of the retailer.
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer SKU/Product Number[site:current-user:metatag:product:retailer_part_no]A retailer part number.
    Open Graph - Products: Retailer item ID[site:current-user:metatag:product:retailer_item_id]The unique ID of the product. (Required)
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Cost Amount[site:current-user:metatag:product:shipping_cost:amount]The shipping costs.
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Cost Currency[site:current-user:metatag:product:shipping_cost:currency]The shipping cost currency.
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Weight[site:current-user:metatag:product:shipping_weight:value]The shipping weight.
    Open Graph - Products: Shipping Weight Units[site:current-user:metatag:product:shipping_weight:units]The unit of shipping weight.
    Open Graph - Products: Size[site:current-user:metatag:product:size]A size describing the product, such as S, M, L.
    Open Graph - Products: UPC[site:current-user:metatag:product:upc]
    Open Graph: Actor(s)[site:current-user:metatag:video:actor]Links to the Facebook profiles for actor(s) that appear in the video.
    Open Graph: Actors' role[site:current-user:metatag:video:actor:role]The roles of the actor(s).
    Open Graph: Alternative locales[site:current-user:metatag:og:locale:alternate]Other locales this content is available in, must be in the format language_TERRITORY, e.g. "fr_FR".
    Open Graph: Article author[site:current-user:metatag:article:author]Links an article to an author's Facebook profile, should be either URLs to the author's profile page or their Facebook profile IDs.
    Open Graph: Article expiration date & time[site:current-user:metatag:article:expiration_time]The date this content will expire, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Article modification date & time[site:current-user:metatag:article:modified_time]The date this content was last modified, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Article publication date & time[site:current-user:metatag:article:published_time]The date this content was published on, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Article publisher[site:current-user:metatag:article:publisher]Links an article to a publisher's Facebook page.
    Open Graph: Article section[site:current-user:metatag:article:section]The primary section of this website the content belongs to.
    Open Graph: Article tag(s)[site:current-user:metatag:article:tag]Appropriate keywords for this content.
    Open Graph: Audio URL[site:current-user:metatag:og:audio]The URL to an audio file that complements this object.
    Open Graph: Audio secure URL[site:current-user:metatag:og:audio:secure_url]The secure URL to an audio file that complements this object. All "https://" URLs will automatically be converted to "https://".
    Open Graph: Audio type[site:current-user:metatag:og:audio:type]The MIME type of the audio file. Examples include "application/mp3" for an MP3 file.
    Open Graph: Book's ISBN[site:current-user:metatag:book:isbn]The book's International Standard Book Number, which may be in one of several formats.
    Open Graph: Book's author[site:current-user:metatag:book:author]Links to the book's author's Facebook profile, should be either URLs to the author's profile page or their Facebook profile IDs.
    Open Graph: Book release date[site:current-user:metatag:book:release_date]The date this content will expire, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
    Open Graph: Book tags[site:current-user:metatag:book:tag]Appropriate keywords for this book.
    Open Graph: Content description[site:current-user:metatag:og:description]A one to two sentence description of the content.
    Open Graph: Content modification date & time[site:current-user:metatag:og:updated_time]The date this content was last modified, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format. Can be the same as the 'Article modification date' tag.
    Open Graph: Content title[site:current-user:metatag:og:title]The title of the content, e.g., The Rock.
    Open Graph: Content title determiner[site:current-user:metatag:og:determiner]The word that appears before the content's title in a sentence. The default ignores this value, the 'Automatic' value should be sufficient if this is actually needed.
    Open Graph: Content type[site:current-user:metatag:og:type]The type of the content, e.g., movie.
    Open Graph: Country name[site:current-user:metatag:og:country_name]
    Open Graph: Director(s)[site:current-user:metatag:video:director]Links to the Facebook profiles for director(s) that worked on the video.
    Open Graph: Email[site:current-user:metatag:og:email]
    Open Graph: Fax number[site:current-user:metatag:og:fax_number]
    Open Graph: First name[site:current-user:metatag:profile:first_name]The first name of the person who's Profile page this is.
    Open Graph: Gender[site:current-user:metatag:profile:gender]Any of Facebook's gender values should be allowed, the initial two being 'male' and 'female'.
    Open Graph: Image[site:current-user:metatag:og:image]The URL of an image which should represent the content. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels in size; 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum size, and for best results use an image least 1200 x 630 pixels in size. Supports PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. Should not be used if og:image:url is used. Note: if multiple images are added many services (e.g. Facebook) will default to the largest image, not specifically the first one.
    Open Graph: Image URL[site:current-user:metatag:og:image:url]A alternative version of og:image and has exactly the same requirements; only one needs to be used. Note: some services do not accept this tag and will only accept the "image" tag above.
    Open Graph: Image alternative text[site:current-user:metatag:og:image:alt]A description of what is in the image (not a caption). If og:image is provided this value should also be provided.
    Open Graph: Image height[site:current-user:metatag:og:image:height]The height of the above image(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured images are provided, they should both be the same size.
    Open Graph: Image type[site:current-user:metatag:og:image:type]The type of image referenced above. Should be either "image/gif" for a GIF image, "image/jpeg" for a JPG/JPEG image, or "image/png" for a PNG image. Note: there should be one value for each image, and having more than there are images may cause problems.
    Open Graph: Image width[site:current-user:metatag:og:image:width]The width of the above image(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured images are provided, they should both be the same size.
    Open Graph: Last name[site:current-user:metatag:profile:last_name]The person's last name.
    Open Graph: Latitude[site:current-user:metatag:og:latitude]
    Open Graph: Locale[site:current-user:metatag:og:locale]The locale these tags are marked up in, must be in the format language_TERRITORY. Default is en_US.
    Open Graph: Locality[site:current-user:metatag:og:locality]
    Open Graph: Longitude[site:current-user:metatag:og:longitude]
    Open Graph: Page URL[site:current-user:metatag:og:url]Preferred page location or URL to help eliminate duplicate content for search engines, e.g.,
    Open Graph: Phone number[site:current-user:metatag:og:phone_number]
    Open Graph: Postal/ZIP code[site:current-user:metatag:og:postal_code]
    Open Graph: Region[site:current-user:metatag:og:region]
    Open Graph: Release date[site:current-user:metatag:video:release_date]The date the video was released.
    Open Graph: Scriptwriter(s)[site:current-user:metatag:video:writer]Links to the Facebook profiles for scriptwriter(s) for the video.
    Open Graph: Secure image URL[site:current-user:metatag:og:image:secure_url]The secure URL (HTTPS) of an image which should represent the content. The image must be at least 50px by 50px and have a maximum aspect ratio of 3:1. Supports PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. All "https://" URLs will automatically be converted to "https://". Note: if multiple images are added many services (e.g. Facebook) will default to the largest image, not the first one.
    Open Graph: See also[site:current-user:metatag:og:see_also]URLs to related content.
    Open Graph: Series[site:current-user:metatag:video:series]The TV show this series belongs to.
    Open Graph: Site name[site:current-user:metatag:og:site_name]A human-readable name for the site, e.g., IMDb.
    Open Graph: Street address[site:current-user:metatag:og:street_address]
    Open Graph: Tag[site:current-user:metatag:video:tag]Tag words associated with this video.
    Open Graph: Username[site:current-user:metatag:profile:username]A pseudonym / alias of this person.
    Open Graph: Video URL[site:current-user:metatag:og:video:url]The URL of an video which should represent the content. For best results use a source that is at least 1200 x 630 pixels in size, but at least 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum. Object types supported include video.episode,, video.other, and video.tv_show.
    Open Graph: Video duration (seconds)[site:current-user:metatag:video:duration]The length of the video in seconds
    Open Graph: Video height[site:current-user:metatag:og:video:height]The height of the video.
    Open Graph: Video secure URL[site:current-user:metatag:og:video:secure_url]A URL to a video file that complements this object using the HTTPS protocol. All "https://" URLs will automatically be converted to "https://".
    Open Graph: Video type[site:current-user:metatag:og:video:type]The type of video referenced above. Should be either video.episode,, video.other, and video.tv_show. Note: there should be one value for each video, and having more than there are videos may cause problems.
    Open Graph: Video width[site:current-user:metatag:og:video:width]The width of the video.
    Site verification: Baidu[site:current-user:metatag:baidu-site-verification]A string provided by Baidu.
    Site verification: Bing[site:current-user:metatag:msvalidate.01]A string provided by Bing, full details are available from the Bing online help.
    Site verification: Facebook[site:current-user:metatag:facebook-domain-verification]A string provided by Facebook, full details are available from the Facebook online help.
    Site verification: Google[site:current-user:metatag:google-site-verification]A string provided by Google, full details are available from the Google online help.
    Site verification: Norton Safe Web[site:current-user:metatag:norton-safeweb-site-verification]A string provided by Norton Safe Web, full details are available from the Norton Safe Web online help.
    Site verification: Pinterest[site:current-user:metatag:p:domain_verify]A string provided by Pinterest, full details are available from the Pinterest online help.
    Site verification: Pocket[site:current-user:metatag:pocket-site-verification]A string provided by Pocket, full details are available from the Pocket online help.
    Site verification: Yandex[site:current-user:metatag:yandex-verification]A string provided by Yandex, full details are available from the Yandex online help.
    Site verification: Zoom[site:current-user:metatag:zoom-domain-verification]A string provided by Zoom, full details are available from the Zoom online help.
    Twitter card: 1st Gallery Image[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:image0]A URL to the image representing the first photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: 2nd Gallery Image[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:image1]A URL to the image representing the second photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: 3rd Gallery Image[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:image2]A URL to the image representing the third photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: 4th Gallery Image[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:image3]A URL to the image representing the fourth photo in your gallery.
    Twitter card: App Store Country[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:app:country]If your application is not available in the US App Store, you must set this value to the two-letter country code for the App Store that contains your application.
    Twitter card: Creator's Twitter account[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:creator]The @username for the content creator / author for this page, including the @ symbol.
    Twitter card: Creator's Twitter account ID[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:creator:id]The numerical Twitter account ID for the content creator / author for this page.
    Twitter card: Data 1[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:data1]This field expects a string, and allows you to specify the types of data you want to offer (price, country, etc.).
    Twitter card: Data 2[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:data2]This field expects a string, and allows you to specify the types of data you want to offer (price, country, etc.).
    Twitter card: Description[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:description]A description that concisely summarizes the content of the page, as appropriate for presentation within a Tweet. Do not re-use the title text as the description, or use this field to describe the general services provided by the website. The string will be truncated, by Twitter, at the word to 200 characters.
    Twitter card: Do Not Track[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:dnt]By default Twitter tracks visitors when a tweet is embedded on a page using the official APIs. Setting this to "on" will stop Twitter from tracking visitors.
    Twitter card: Google Play app's custom URL scheme[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:app:url:googleplay]The Google Play app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
    Twitter card: Google Play app ID[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:app:id:googleplay]Your app ID in the Google Play Store (i.e. "").
    Twitter card: Google Play app name[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:app:name:googleplay]The name of the app in the Google Play app store.
    Twitter card: Image URL[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:image]The URL to a unique image representing the content of the page. Do not use a generic image such as your website logo, author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages. Images larger than 120x120px will be resized and cropped square based on longest dimension. Images smaller than 60x60px will not be shown. If the 'type' is set to Photo then the image must be at least 280x150px.
    Twitter card: Image alternative text[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:image:alt]The alternative text of the image being linked to. Limited to 420 characters.
    Twitter card: Image height[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:image:height]The height of the image being linked to, in pixels.
    Twitter card: Image width[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:image:width]The width of the image being linked to, in pixels.
    Twitter card: Label 1[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:label1]This field expects a string, and you can specify values for labels such as price, items in stock, sizes, etc.
    Twitter card: Label 2[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:label2]This field expects a string, and you can specify values for labels such as price, items in stock, sizes, etc.
    Twitter card: MP4 media stream MIME type[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:player:stream:content_type]The MIME type for the media contained in the stream URL, as defined by RFC 4337.
    Twitter card: MP4 media stream URL[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:player:stream]The full URL for an MP4 video (h.264) or audio (AAC) stream, takes precidence over the other media player field.
    Twitter card: Media player URL[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:player]The full URL for loading a media player. Required when using a Media player card.
    Twitter card: Media player height[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:player:height]The height of the media player iframe, in pixels. Required when using a Media player card.
    Twitter card: Media player width[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:player:width]The width of the media player iframe, in pixels. Required when using a Media player card.
    Twitter card: Page URL[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:url]The permalink / canonical URL of the current page.
    Twitter card: Site's Twitter account[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:site]The @username for the website, which will be displayed in the Card's footer; must include the @ symbol.
    Twitter card: Site's Twitter account ID[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:site:id]The numerical Twitter account ID for the website, which will be displayed in the Card's footer.
    Twitter card: Title[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:title]The page's title, which should be concise; it will be truncated at 70 characters by Twitter. This field is required unless this the 'type' field is set to "photo".
    Twitter card: Twitter card type[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:card]Notes:
    • no other fields are required for a Summary card
    • Photo card requires the "image" field
    • Media player card requires the "title", "description", "media player URL", "media player width", "media player height" and "image" fields,
    • Summary Card with Large Image card requires the "Summary" field and the "image" field,
    • Gallery Card requires all the "Gallery Image" fields,
    • App Card requires the "iPhone app ID" field, the "iPad app ID" field and the "Google Play app ID" field,
    • Product Card requires the "description" field, the "image" field, the "Label 1" field, the "Data 1" field, the "Label 2" field and the "Data 2" field.
    Twitter card: iPad app's custom URL scheme[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:app:url:ipad]The iPad app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
    Twitter card: iPad app ID[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:app:id:ipad]String value, should be the numeric representation of your iPad app's ID in the App Store.
    Twitter card: iPad app name[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:app:name:ipad]The name of the iPad app.
    Twitter card: iPhone app's custom URL scheme[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:app:url:iphone]The iPhone app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
    Twitter card: iPhone app ID[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:app:id:iphone]String value, should be the numeric representation of your iPhone app's ID in the App Store.
    Twitter card: iPhone app name[site:current-user:metatag:twitter:app:name:iphone]The name of the iPhone app.
    Organization[site:current-user:field_organization]Text field.
    Organization[site:current-user:field-organization]Field "field_organization".
    Original user[site:current-user:original]The original user data if the user is being updated or saved.
    About[site:current-user:original:field_about_author]Long text field.
    About[site:current-user:original:field-about-author]Field "field_about_author".
    About (summary)[site:current-user:original:field_about_author-summary]A summary of the About field, trimmed to 200 characters.
    Changed[site:current-user:original:changed]The date the user account was changed.
    Created[site:current-user:original:created]The date the user account was created.
    Default theme[site:current-user:original:theme]The user's default theme.
    Display messages in popups.[site:current-user:original:field-user-nicemessages-enabled]Field "field_user_nicemessages_enabled".
    Display messages in popups.[site:current-user:original:field_user_nicemessages_enabled]Boolean field.
    Edit URL[site:current-user:original:edit-url]The URL of the account edit page.
    Email[site:current-user:original:mail]The email address of the user account.
    First Name[site:current-user:original:field_first_name]Text field.
    First Name[site:current-user:original:field-first-name]Field "field_first_name".
    Last Name[site:current-user:original:field_last_name]Text field.
    Last Name[site:current-user:original:field-last-name]Field "field_last_name".
    Last access[site:current-user:original:last-access]The date the user last accessed the site.
    Last login[site:current-user:original:last-login]The date the user last logged in to the site.
    Meta tags[site:current-user:original:metatag]Meta tags for this user.
    Organization[site:current-user:original:field_organization]Text field.
    Organization[site:current-user:original:field-organization]Field "field_organization".
    Picture[site:current-user:original:picture]The picture of the user.
    Raw name[site:current-user:original:name-raw]The raw login name of the user account, unprocessed by the RealName module.
    Real name[site:current-user:original:name]The real name of the user account.
    Roles[site:current-user:original:roles]The user roles associated with the user account.
    Status[site:current-user:original:status]Whether the user is active or blocked.
    Title[site:current-user:original:field-title]Field "field_title".
    Title[site:current-user:original:field_title]Text field.
    URL[site:current-user:original:url]The URL of the account profile page.
    User ID[site:current-user:original:uid]The unique ID of the user account.
    User UUID[site:current-user:original:uuid]The universally unique ID of the user
    User role ids[site:current-user:original:role-ids]The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list.
    User role names[site:current-user:original:role-names]The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list.
    Picture[site:current-user:picture]The picture of the user.
    Alt Text[site:current-user:picture:field_file_image_alt_text]Text field.
    Alt Text[site:current-user:picture:field-file-image-alt-text]Field "field_file_image_alt_text".
    Base name[site:current-user:picture:basename]The base name of the file.
    Download URL[site:current-user:picture:download-url]The URL to download the file directly.
    Extension[site:current-user:picture:extension]The extension of the file.
    File ID[site:current-user:picture:fid]The unique ID of the uploaded file.
    File UUID[site:current-user:picture:uuid]The universally unique ID of the file
    File byte size[site:current-user:picture:size-raw]The size of the file, in bytes.
    File name[site:current-user:picture:name]The name of the file.
    File size[site:current-user:picture:size]The size of the file.
    File type[site:current-user:picture:type]The file type of the file.
    MIME type[site:current-user:picture:mime]The MIME type of the file.
    Original file[site:current-user:picture:original]The original file data if the file is being updated or saved.
    Owner[site:current-user:picture:owner]The user who originally uploaded the file.
    Path[site:current-user:picture:path]The location of the file relative to Drupal root.
    Timestamp[site:current-user:picture:timestamp]The date the file was most recently changed.
    Title Text[site:current-user:picture:field-file-image-title-text]Field "field_file_image_title_text".
    Title Text[site:current-user:picture:field_file_image_title_text]Text field.
    URL[site:current-user:picture:url]The web-accessible URL for the file.
    Raw name[site:current-user:name-raw]The raw login name of the user account, unprocessed by the RealName module.
    Real name[site:current-user:name]The real name of the user account.
    Roles[site:current-user:roles]The user roles associated with the user account.
    Count[site:current-user:roles:count]The number of elements in the array.
    First[site:current-user:roles:first]The first element of the array.
    Imploded[site:current-user:roles:join:?]The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value.
    Joined path[site:current-user:roles:join-path]The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL.
    Keys[site:current-user:roles:keys]The array of keys of the array.
    Last[site:current-user:roles:last]The last element of the array.
    Reversed[site:current-user:roles:reversed]The array reversed.
    Value[site:current-user:roles:value:?]The specific value of the array.
    Status[site:current-user:status]Whether the user is active or blocked.
    Title[site:current-user:field-title]Field "field_title".
    Title[site:current-user:field_title]Text field.
    URL[site:current-user:url]The URL of the account profile page.
    Absolute URL[site:current-user:url:absolute]The absolute URL.
    Arguments[site:current-user:url:args]The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1').
    Brief URL[site:current-user:url:brief]The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash.
    Path[site:current-user:url:path]The path component of the URL.
    Relative URL[site:current-user:url:relative]The relative URL.
    Unaliased URL[site:current-user:url:unaliased]The unaliased URL.
    User ID[site:current-user:uid]The unique ID of the user account.
    User UUID[site:current-user:uuid]The universally unique ID of the user
    User role ids[site:current-user:role-ids]The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list.
    User role names[site:current-user:role-names]The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list.
    Login page[site:login-url]The URL of the site's login page.
    Name[site:name]The name of the site.
    Slogan[site:slogan]The slogan of the site.
    URL[site:url]The URL of the site's front page.
    URL (brief)[site:url-brief]The URL of the site's front page without the protocol.
    VariablesTokens for variable values.
    Anonymous user[variable:anonymous]The name used to indicate anonymous users.
    Custom pager string[variable:metatag_pager_string]When the current page includes a pager, e.g. the URL contains "?page=42", the [current-page:pager] token may be added to a meta tag to differentiate between two pages that would otherwise have the same meta tags. The value "PAGER" (must be in uppercase) will be replaced by the actual page count. Note: the pager will only output if the page number is 2 or above and the string "page=NUMBER" is in the URL.
    For best use, it may be worthwhile to add the [current-page:pager] to the page title to the left of the site name, to the start of description tags, etc.
    Custom submission URLs[variable:xmlsitemap_engines_custom_urls]Enter one URL per line. The token [sitemap] will be replaced with the URL to your sitemap. For example:[sitemap] would become
    Default picture[variable:user_picture_default]URL of picture to display for users with no custom picture selected. Leave blank for none.
    Feed description[variable:feed_description]Description of your site, included in each feed.
    Maintenance mode message[variable:maintenance_mode_message]Message to show visitors when the site is in maintenance mode.
    Maximum length for Advanced tags: Google News Keywords[variable:metatag_maxlength_news_keywords]Controls the maximum length of the Advanced tags: Google News Keywords meta tag, values longer than this will be truncated. If set to "0" the maximum length will be ignored.
    Maximum length for Basic tags: Abstract[variable:metatag_maxlength_abstract]Controls the maximum length of the Basic tags: Abstract meta tag, values longer than this will be truncated. If set to "0" the maximum length will be ignored.
    Maximum length for Basic tags: Description[variable:metatag_maxlength_description]Controls the maximum length of the Basic tags: Description meta tag, values longer than this will be truncated. If set to "0" the maximum length will be ignored.
    Maximum length for Basic tags: Keywords[variable:metatag_maxlength_keywords]Controls the maximum length of the Basic tags: Keywords meta tag, values longer than this will be truncated. If set to "0" the maximum length will be ignored.
    Maximum length for Basic tags: Page title[variable:metatag_maxlength_title]Controls the maximum length of the Basic tags: Page title meta tag, values longer than this will be truncated. If set to "0" the maximum length will be ignored.
    Maximum length for Open Graph: Content description[variable:metatag_maxlength_og:description]Controls the maximum length of the Open Graph: Content description meta tag, values longer than this will be truncated. If set to "0" the maximum length will be ignored.
    Maximum length for Open Graph: Content title[variable:metatag_maxlength_og:title]Controls the maximum length of the Open Graph: Content title meta tag, values longer than this will be truncated. If set to "0" the maximum length will be ignored.
    Maximum length for Twitter card: Description[variable:metatag_maxlength_twitter:description]Controls the maximum length of the Twitter card: Description meta tag, values longer than this will be truncated. If set to "0" the maximum length will be ignored.
    Maximum length for Twitter card: Title[variable:metatag_maxlength_twitter:title]Controls the maximum length of the Twitter card: Title meta tag, values longer than this will be truncated. If set to "0" the maximum length will be ignored.
    Menus to include in the site map[variable:site_map_show_menus]Menus to include that will be used on the site map page.
    Picture guidelines[variable:user_picture_guidelines]This text is displayed at the picture upload form in addition to the default guidelines. It's useful for helping or instructing your users.
    Picture maximum dimensions[variable:user_picture_dimensions]Maximum dimensions for pictures, in pixels.
    Picture maximum file size[variable:user_picture_file_size]Maximum file size for pictures, in kB.
    RSS feed for front page[variable:site_map_rss_front]The RSS feed for the front page, default is rss.xml.
    Site email address[variable:site_mail]The From address in automated e-mails sent during registration and new password requests, and other notifications. (Use an address ending in your site's domain to help prevent this e-mail being flagged as spam.)
    Site map title[variable:site_map_page_title]Page title that will be used on the site map page. It should only be set to override the translatable built-in "Site map" title. Note: If you set something here, the title will no longer be translatable.
    Site name[variable:site_name]The name of this website.
    Site slogan[variable:site_slogan]Your site's motto, tag line, or catchphrase (often displayed alongside the title of the site).
    User registration guidelines[variable:user_registration_help]This text is displayed at the top of the user registration form and is useful for helping or instructing your users.
    Web Property ID[variable:googleanalytics_account]This ID is unique to each site you want to track separately, and is in the form UA-xxxxxxx-yy, G-XXXXXXX, DC-XXXXXXX, or AW-XXXXXXX. To get a Web Property ID, register your site with Google Analytics, or if you already have registered your site, go to your Google Analytics Settings page to see the ID next to every site profile. Find more information in the documentation.
  • You may surround a section of text with "[collapse]" and "[/collapse]" to it into a collapsible section.

    You may use "[collapse]" tags within other "[collapse]" tags for nested collapsing sections.

    If you start with "[collapsed]" or "[collapse collapsed]", the section will default to a collapsed state.

    You may specify a title for the section in two ways. You may add a "title=" parameter to the opening tag, such as "[collapse title=<your title here>]". In this case, you should surround the title with double-quotes. If you need to include double-quotes in the title, use the html entity "&quot;". For example: '[collapse title="&quot;Once upon a time&quot;"]'. If a title is not specified in the "[collapse]" tag, the title will be taken from the first heading found inside the section. A heading is specified using the "<hX>" html tag, where X is a number from 1-6. The heading will be removed from the section in order to prevent duplication. If a title is not found using these two methods, a default title will be supplied.

    For advanced uses, you may also add a "class=" option to specify CSS classes to be added to the section. The CSS classes should be surrounded by double-quotes, and separated by spaces; e.g. '[collapse class="class1 class2"]'.

    You may combine these options in (almost) any order. The "collapsed" option should always come first; things will break if it comes after "title=" or "class=". If you need to have it come after the other options, you must specify it as 'collapsed="collapsed"'; e.g. '[collapse title="foo" collapsed="collapsed"]'.

    If you wish to put the string "[collapse" into the document, you will need to prefix it with a backslash ("\"). The first backslash before any instance of "[collapse" or "[/collapse" will be removed, all others will remain. Thus, if you want to display "[collapse stuff here", you should enter "\[collapse stuff here". If you wish to display "\[collapse other stuff", you will need to put in "\\[collapse other stuff". If you prefix three backslashes, two will be displayed, etc.

    If you prefer, you can use angle brackets ("<>") instead of straight brackets ("[]"). This module will find any instance of "<collapse" and change it to "[collapse" (also fixing the end of the tags and the closing tags).

    You may override the settings of the filter on an individual basis using a "[collapse options ...]" tag. The possible options now are 'form="form"' or 'form="noform"', and 'default_title="..."'. For example, '[collapse options form="noform" default_title="Click me!"]'. Only the first options tag will be looked at, and the settings apply for the entire text area, not just the "[collapse]" tags following the options tag. Note that surrounding <p> and <br> tags will be removed.

    This module supports some historical variants of the tag as well. The following are not recommended for any new text, but are left in place so that old uses still work. The "class=" option used to called "style=", and "style=" will be changed into "class=". If you don't put a double-quote immediately after "class=", everything up to the end of the tag or the string "title=" will be interpreted as the class string. Similarly, if you don't have a double-quote immediately following "title=", everything up to the end of the tag will be used as the title. Note that in this format, "style=" must precede "title=".

  • To post pieces of code, surround them with <code>...</code> tags. For PHP code, you can use <?php ... ?>, which will also colour it based on syntax.

Plain text

  • No HTML tags allowed.
  • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.
  • Lines and paragraphs are automatically recognized. The <br /> line break, <p> paragraph and </p> close paragraph tags are inserted automatically. If paragraphs are not recognized simply add a couple blank lines.